the Rift

Give Me the Gift of Sight [Cassiopeia]

Rowan Posts: 76
Mare :: Equine :: 14.1hh :: 3 Years 4 Months

"Well, perhaps that can be changed."

Smile against midnight lips. Something inside the depths of Rowan's floundering helplessness breaks through. Blinks open eyes that have been closed in agony and refusal to accept what has happened. Cassiopeia is reaching out to her, perhaps without even realizing she is doing so. Is throwing the metaphorical life preserver out into the thick swamp Rowan has somehow found herself stuck in. It's such a simple phrase. On normal grounds, with a normal equine, it would be a kind thing to say. But Rowan is not standing on normal ground. Feeling instead as if her hooves are balanced precariously on crumbling ground, wingless and bare in ways her mind cannot comprehend. Furthermore she is no normal equine. Shock and some type of dizziness have taken over, throwing her into vertigo with such simple words. Could Cassiopeia truly see enough in her to wish for her to stay? Would she help guide the conflicted girl through the fog she was trying to break through? Had been trying to break through since he had been molded by Feyther?

Even under the growing ties of friendship and acquaintance, something sorrowful lingers in the hearts of both mares as they stand beside the pool, light flickering off the highlights of their bodies. Rowan wishes she could delve inside Cassiopeia's mind. Not to intrude upon her privacy, but to discover how she had grown up haunted by the same questions as Rowan, but had come out of it as a strong and wise woman. The floundering she felt, all throughout her childhood and into adolescence, hadn't disappeared as she had wished it to when Helovia had opened up and welcomed her into its lands. Would she ever have her questions answered? Destroy the plague of inquisition that inhabited her mind? Give her the peace, the grounded feeling of understanding?

Feyther had been unable to destroy that. The unquenchable thirst for knowledge that had been instilled in Rowan moons before her first breath was drawn into her lungs. Old mare had grown snappish and irritated by the barrage of questions that assaulted her daily. Dismissing them as childish. Unanswerable. Chiding her, wondering why in the world she would wonder something so drastic in the first place. The old bat may have been able to push Rowan back inside herself, but she had never been able to calm her fevered mind or stop the dizzying rush she got when another question appeared. 

Before she could even contemplate why she was speaking, the words were flowing from her vocals. Not a word was a lie nor did she ever wish to lie to the beautiful doe that stood opposed to her. So caught up in the rhythm of the sentences, the way they left her lips that she was oblivious to the luminescent eyes that watched her as she spoke. A fire had been set in her breast and with every word was inflamed. Something deep and old stirred inside Rowan, awakened by the knowledge Cassiopeia offered so willingly. Every particle of her essence longed to latch onto that, to suck in every piece of knowledge Cassiopeia could ever bestow upon her. 

This sudden swelling and awakening of herself was brought to a standstill as lilting voice broke through her thoughts after she trailed off into silence. A flush of embarrassment and pleasure warmed away the chill that lingered. Modestly, borderline shy, chocolate crown dipped and let bright hairs fall over her face to hide away from the praise. Even so, a bright hopeful smile had taken over her face. Brightening eyes into a soft blue, forgetting momentarily the troubles that sucked greedily upon her joy like leeches. To know that Cassiopeia understood her complex mind, had gone through every experience Rowan had, was comforting to a degree that she was nearly to the point of begging to be told how to deal with it. Velvet black muzzle brushed deep chocolate shoulder and Rowan smiled and laughed softly at the wink sent her way. "Thank you, very much Cassiopeia. I think it's both a gift and a curse, such musings. However being open to myself, that is the point in which I am stuck and cannot move further." Cerulean irises drifted up to meet the soft greener tinted ones. Silently reaching out to this woman who had descended upon her like a blessing wrapped in ebony. Asking for guidance, a light to show her the way. Someone to gift her with understanding, even of the intimate nature of herself. 

Another softer, more thoughtful laugh followed at Cassiopeia's intelligent words. 
"I'm afraid it can. It's an unquenchable thirst, a burn with no ointment. But when one simple answer is given...that is why I am inclined to call it a rather strange mix of blessing and curse." Muzzle dipping earthbound in agreement. "The true potential of our minds can never be fully unleashed." No need to reply, it was something Rowan had discovered through the placated wanderings of her life. 

Cassiopeia's beliefs were listened to intently. Every person had their own ideals about what happened when life was vanquished, or simply faded away. Pondered with every death of a close friend or more where they went and what they did when their last breath had left their lungs. Wise words were not lecturing nor demanded anything of the girl, but when she advised Rowan to focus on more trivial things the lines of worry and unease slowly melted from youthful face and a smiled crawled to her face once again. "Thank you again. Sometimes it's a little too easy to wander through life worrying and hounding the ideas we cannot obtain. I will certainly try to, it takes years I've yet to experience off my shoulders." Smile turning whimsical and amused, shy and young in a way she hadn't felt in a few months. 

Both lapsed into comfortable silence. Though Rowan had no clue to the feeling of importance Cassiopeia felt, her own transformation was taking place. Finally she felt as if she belonged somewhere. Knew she could return to her mentor whenever she needed to. There's no more need to run, Rowan. You're not alone now. She can guide you, but you have to let her. So moved by Cassiopeia's words, Rowan extended trembling muzzle to brush against her mentor's. Gratitude shone so clearly in her eyes it nearly exuded from her very pores. "I-I can't thank you enough. I've been long to find my way. Anything you can do, I will accept what you tell me to try and do. Perhaps someday I can achieve the same amount of self understanding you possess. More than anything I desire that inner peace, and if you will gift me with the ability to do the same for others I will try and make it worth your time." Every quivering syllable filled to the brim with how indebted Rowan felt in that moment. That Cassiopeia would appear on the night of her troubles and promise her to guide her into finding peace. The one thing Rowan had been searching for all this time. 

No more running Rowan. Open your eyes. It's time you took the first step.

Messages In This Thread
Give Me the Gift of Sight [Cassiopeia] - by Rowan - 11-24-2012, 06:31 PM
RE: Give Me the Gift of Sight [Cassiopeia] - by Rowan - 12-11-2012, 10:23 PM

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