the Rift

Take Your Coat at the Door [Sohalia]

Sohalia the Transcended Posts: 477
Outcast atk: 4 | def: 9.5 | dam: 6.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.3 hh :: 10 (ages in Orangemoon) HP: 67 | Buff: NOVICE
Astraeus :: Common Zephyr :: Wakiya ChaoticMelodies
[Image: sohtable.png]


It is not without a sense of fear that I approach the Dragon's Throat. As I contemplate the land before me, where dirt turns into sand, where signs of life all but disappear, save for the distant oasis that I assume is the herd's land, I realize that had I been younger, the concept of living in a dragon's throat would have scared me silly. But I am not a filly anymore; I am a grown mare, and now my fears are entirely different. What if they don't like me? What if they send me away? Worse, what if they accept me, and I get to know them, and they me, and I come to love them as my family? And what if I lose them, like I did my family? Which fate is worse?

Rowan leads the way, and I follow meekly; we are silent, and for that I am not ungrateful. I am taking a leap of faith to follow my friend into her herd, and I wonder if she has ever felt the same way. Has she ever been a loner? What is she in this herd - does she feel out of place? Is that where I come in? I am glad to be arriving with one with whom I already feel close; if I were simply approaching on my own, I know that I would balk, dig my hooves into the sand and run away, far away. I know that I would not be able to do this on my own; and yet, it is a necessity that I join the herd here, that I settle down, that I make myself useful. There are many things that I have found in my travels, but never a family. Never a friend. I wish to have more loved ones, to help others, to be more than what I am.

"I hope I'm not boring you," Rowan's voice rings out softly. "I can be rather quiet. I'm afraid I'm not used to having others around to talk to." I smile, nudging her shoulder playfully. "Silence has never bothered me," I assure her. "I haven't really had anyone to talk to either." I fall back into a comfortable silence. I would not be averse to conversation; I have many questions about this land. But I am not going to seek out words where there are none. If she wants to talk, wonderful. If not, silence suits me just fine. I have always been withdrawn this way, I suppose, a trait furthered by my time spent alone. Will I grow out of it? Maybe.

"talk talk talk"

I want to live inspired

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Use of force and/or magic (with the exception of death) is allowed at all times.

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Messages In This Thread
Take Your Coat at the Door [Sohalia] - by Rowan - 12-12-2012, 11:55 PM
RE: Take Your Coat at the Door [Sohalia] - by Sohalia - 12-14-2012, 03:05 PM

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