the Rift

Coming Home || Open

Shyr Posts: N/A
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Her face softened slightly at the colt's words. Finally someone understands, Shyr thought gruffly. "For someone to think that way is weakness, you should not wait to be claimed. You are not a piece of property that someone can come in and grab up. you're just as worthy of a specimen as the next to walk through these trees." He said. She grinned wider than she ever had, even though she seemed to have a smile always plastered on her face. "Finally someone understands!" She snorted harshly, stepping forward. Feeling the burning stare of another, Shyr's pale eyes flashed to the colt that had not spoken. He was upset about something. She tried her best to smile at him kindly, but it seemed to be a smirk instead.

"Perhaps we can show you to a home? A pretty lass such as yourself should not wander alone." The quiet one spoke up. At first Shyr grinned, but soon after her smile faded. The words were monotone, without feeling. His voice was...unfriendly but his words were almost oppisite of what his tone was. She furrowed her invisible eyebrows together, staring in bewilderment. Shyr drew her feelings of confusement back to her mind, attempting not to come across rude. Of course, she was always emotional and showed it.
"I would like that." Her words were almost as tasteless as his.

The friendlier colt stepped forward, looking her over. She suddenly felt self-conscious, shiftiing her weight to her hip and dropping her eyes from his body. "We live here, as for a service, I don't believe we need any aiding at the moment." He said. Shyr nodded, filing the information of their residence in her mind.
"I see. So you live here, but why? Is it grand?" She said, analizing the pair that stood in front of them. "If only I knew your colors..." She murmured quietly, shaking her head. Shyr hated her vision issues. There had to be so many beautiful colors. She was beautiful, her coat unique and different. Paint spots could not be replicated. She wouldn't know though.

The hostile one explained the herds. Shyr listened contently. She noticed that some of the tension drop from the air. Suddenly, the stress left her body until the speaker asked for his brother to return to his normal position. Slightly insulted, she thought, I won't bite. With a distressed flick of her ear, she backed up, drawing her head back swiftly as the talkative colt backed up. Shyr kept herself still, her breaths shaking her body.
"I can assure you that though I am a unicorn I am not like the basin. I welcome all species," She stated, "but I do not favor those that are rigid towards me."[color=#696969
] She kept her eyes locked on the hostile colt, her nostrils flared.

She felt her muscles clench in something like fear. These were two strangers and one of them was hostile. She knew nothing about their power. She could die here and now. That was, if the Urges didn't consume her first.[/color]

Messages In This Thread
Coming Home || Open - by Shyr - 12-11-2012, 10:42 PM
RE: Coming Home || Open - by Nym - 12-11-2012, 11:29 PM
RE: Coming Home || Open - by Shyr - 12-12-2012, 08:44 PM
RE: Coming Home || Open - by Nym - 12-13-2012, 12:16 AM
RE: Coming Home || Open - by Shyr - 12-14-2012, 04:49 PM
RE: Coming Home || Open - by Nym - 12-16-2012, 01:32 PM

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