the Rift

Superman [ open ]

Naberius Posts: N/A
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Her laugh danced in Naberius’s ear drums. The insincerity of its tone was exceedingly obvious, despite what she may have intended. She didn’t like him, this Abe could tell immediately, but he wasn’t after her approval. He wasn’t here looking to be adored by everyone, Naberius didn’t even aspire to be liked by anyone so long as he got what he wanted out of them. So long as he was respected. Hell the most powerful beings in the world had the most enemies. Naberius had always been a charismatic bloke, one who knew how to coerce the precise individuals. He knew how to feed their ego without appearing like a stooge to be trodden upon; however he reserved that charm strictly for those who had the ability to contribute something significant in return. This femme was not one of them, she was just another puppet and he was looking for the puppeteer. Just another pirouetting marionette and he desired to know where her strings led.

Russet hollows considered the mare, the grin on his kissers remained prominent. "You darling may fit in where I live, by the horn on your head, and the darkness in your heart. But I have no mind to take you to my Lady if you don't properly use your wit. If you can not handle the cold, nor far journey I'm through wasting my time on your coarse hide." His smirk only grew broader at her words. It seemed very evident to Naberius that his wit was used quite suitably and more frequently than hers by a vast degree…but to each their own he supposed. But what did she take him for? Had he not apparently just made a substantial voyage? Did he seem to be from around here? A snort was expelled from his nares rather abruptly. It was beginning to look as if this mare was a bit daft. Yet the remark about her Lady intrigued him. Perhaps she would be a person of interest in his quest for dominance. It couldn’t hurt to investigate the matter.

“Distance and freezing temperatures haven’t dissuaded me yet doll face. I would relish meeting this superior you speak of. If the horn on my head grants me admission into your herd I’d like to see where my other one gets me.”

Naberius’s chortled quietly perceiving how much he was unsettling the damsel; it was just part of his twisted personality to stab at the bits that irked others most. Nails on a chalk board in the very least. Naberius was prepared to consult with this vixen but he was not going to integrate himself with the herd…not yet anyway. What she had to offer him would establish where his loyalties lay. Bowing slightly he tilted his crania obligingly, his coffee voids glinting with delight as he stared into her stygian gems. Finally Abe’s jaws divided once more letting his abysmal lyrics swim through the air.

“Lead the way if you please…”

[ ooc: Crappy post. I was going to make a thread in the Basin to try and meet with Psyche if you wanna bring Faelene along :) ]

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Messages In This Thread
Superman [ open ] - by Naberius - 12-13-2012, 03:29 PM
RE: Superman [ open ] - by Faelene - 12-13-2012, 05:24 PM
RE: Superman [ open ] - by Naberius - 12-14-2012, 10:13 PM
RE: Superman [ open ] - by Faelene - 12-16-2012, 07:17 PM
RE: Superman [ open ] - by Naberius - 12-17-2012, 11:29 PM
RE: Superman [ open ] - by Faelene - 12-20-2012, 01:49 PM

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