the Rift

Shadow in the Distance [Joining - Open]

Miltiades Posts: N/A
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Walking between the trees of the Threshold I watch as an insignificant mare move wildly. With pointless wrecking. As her hooves thrash the air a cold smile crawls across my maw. Green hooves began to move through the trees as I drank in her form. My own body loomed over her greatly by two hands, my muscles could crush hers in an unpleasant smack of bodies, her black hide did not scars. She was seamless and therefore careful. A force of nothing. I could tear apart her giant ego with one thrust of my horn through her sickly throat.

I pass the option to attack her and instead stop feet from her. Craning my neck to extend the two foot long, thick, and extremely dangerous dagger from my head to a stance ready for war. My green eyes watch her with my amount of pride and bitterness. "If you seek a permanent home I will enjoy your company on the journey back," I pause, eyeing her with concern to watch for her next move "I am on my way back." my offer lingers in the air. My tone is rather brusque and rough, showing the amount of arrogance I posses. Along with the bitter cruel ways I feel. I will not though, pass up on a good equid to join among the ranks of my herd.

"Or you can stay here and find your own way." I finally add. Annoyed with any fact she may turn down my offer and ask for guidance else where. If she did not find comfort in my company with my offer, I would not give her the satisfaction of finding her way through me. So I stand there. Tall body and muscles ready to move. My tail slams roughly against my hocks as I wait impatiently for an answer. I really need to work on this small talk or perhaps my attitude, I will get no where with such a short temper.
somelines @

Messages In This Thread
Shadow in the Distance [Joining - Open] - by Demolisher - 12-23-2012, 11:15 PM
RE: Shadow in the Distance [Joining - Open] - by Miltiades - 12-24-2012, 01:26 AM
RE: Shadow in the Distance [Joining - Open] - by Demolisher - 12-28-2012, 01:11 AM
RE: Shadow in the Distance [Joining - Open] - by Miltiades - 12-29-2012, 07:39 PM

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