the Rift

First Hit Order, on a goddamn flower [Xira]

Xira Posts: 67
Up For Adoption atk: 5.5 | def: 9 | dam: 5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.2 hh :: 7 HP: 64 | Buff: NOVICE
Kye :: Red-Footed Falcon :: Read Adoptable

 XIRA</style>& kye</style>


That was all the chestnut mare had to think or say or even try to do when she saw that stallion waltz in. No to his attitude and his trespassing, no to the look of distate set heavy upon his lips and no to his body. He was built like a fucking war machine, with swords coming out of his head and eyes that looked as though they'd seen many a kill, but she wasn't scared. She wasn't scared and she couldn't be, because he was standing right beside the flower she'd been told to protect- poised to crush it, and unknowingly poised to suffer himself.

"Leave the flower the fuck alone, or I will personally see to it that your brains hit dirt," Xira started with a step forward and out of the shadows where she had been resting. She cast a quick glance at the flower, which had only grown a little healthier in its time in the Oasis, before returning her navy blue orbs to rest on the stranger. Her threat was somewhat empty- she was skilled enough, but likely not as masterful with the hoof and jaw as the stallion before her. The comparison in size was laughable, and on her own she was hardly intimidating- it was the tone in her voice that might give him pause. The sensation given off that if she could not kill him herself, she would go to the ends of the earth to find someone or something that would, and would sacrifice anything for their service.

She wasn't going to let him get away with this; whoever he was. And though her whistle was low and barely audible to any but a trained ear, Kye heard, and Kye came. The bond may have been broken but the loyalty was not; the falcon swept down from the canopy without pause, claws outstretched to claw at the unicorn's eyes and drive him away. Through the flurry of feathers and the sound of her falcon's cries, she spoke in a voice seeped in hatred. "I don't know who you are," she began with a stamp of her foot and a step closer to her precious task, "or who sent you... but you're going to regret this." Her steps carried her closer to the flower and the stallion- her wings flared out and she bent them to cover the Earth God's gift as best as she could. She could only hope she hadn't been too late.

For if she had, it would all be ruined.

i was never one to believe the hype - save that for the black and white.
image by cleaneugene @</style>

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RE: First Hit Order, on a goddamn flower [Xira] - by Xira - 12-29-2012, 03:56 AM

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