the Rift

Skyfall (Open)

Esker Posts: N/A
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Flying on silverwings

Weary but excited, Esker circled in an updraft of air. Off in the distance, she could see a forest, with horses peaking out from between the mighty trees. Her snowy wings rippled in the air that buffeted her, and although it was painful not to blink, she was too excited to see the other horses to close her golden eyes that sparkled with excitement.
She folded her wings for a moment, to lose a bit of altitude, but then opened them again and allowed herself to glide.
Oh, she was at home in the air. She found no more pleasure in anything in life than the feel of the clouds caressing her, and glimpsing a sunset from the sky.
The forest was approaching fast, so Esker tilted her wings back slightly and braced herself for the rush of air that hit her. She beat her wings rapidly, slowing herself and allowing herself to lose more altitude. She pitched forward, as if preparing to land a jump, and touched down to the ground. She folded her wings and broke into an unsteady, but speedy, canter and rounded on the edge of the forest. Although the other horses seemed to have moved away, she picked her way into the trees, undaunted, and released a high-pitched whinny.

"'Ello?" she called loudly. "Is anyone there?"

Her silver skin rippled. She heard nothing. She was suddenly very aware that no birds were singing, and hoped that it was her appearance that quieted them, and not another, more menacing being.

Messages In This Thread
Skyfall (Open) - by Esker - 12-31-2012, 05:27 PM
RE: Skyfall (Open) - by Amadeus - 01-01-2013, 01:21 AM
RE: Skyfall (Open) - by Esker - 01-01-2013, 01:04 PM

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