the Rift

A Home for All [Adeamus, Nadira, Open!]

Romani Posts: 205
Outcast atk: 4 | def: 8 | dam: 7
Mare :: Equine :: 14.2 :: 9 HP: 66 | Buff: NOVICE
Kasai :: White Tiger :: Wind Whip Sparrow


Romani had given Adeamus a kind farewell before they parted ways, knowing that he was eager to explore the vastness that was his new home. The Foothills were only the beginning; all of Helovia was magical in its own way, and it was always best to go and explore what the world had to offer. Between the Endless Blue, the Thistle Meadow, and the Steppe, all of Helovia had something that might spark someone’s fancy. Lowering her head, the compact mare gave a soft knicker for Kasai to venture close once more. The cub obeyed, turning on her haunches and stepping closer to the Haflinger with her tail held high into the air. A deep, soothing purr emanated from the tigress’ stomach, and Romani chuckled softly to the small cub.

“Yes, sweet… We’ll be going shortly, I promise.” The words were said softly, as was the tone that the warrior most often used towards her beloved bonded one, aside from the not-so-rare times where the striped feline would wander off on her own, or attempt to perform something that was far too complex to be completed at such a young age.

The wind shifted then, tousling the mare’s ivory mane and tail, forelock whipping from her face. It was what the wind carried that caused Romani to suddenly stiffen, a foreign scent… No, two scents is what the breeze contained, and the mare’s sharp, azure eyes darted to the sides before spotting the two individuals that the smells belonged to. The first she noticed was a white, clean mare, with an equally pristine horn adorned upon her head. She was a pretty thing, Romani noted, who held herself upright and with dignity. Her gaze travelled then to ivory Unicorn’s travelling companion; a stallion… Or was it?

Turning to face the two completely, Romani did her best to not stare. After all, staring was rude, but never had the Haflinger ever seen a hybrid such as this. Was… Was he a wolf-horse? How strange. Yet, remembering her manners, she watched as they approached, and her curiosity grew when a dragon fluttered seamlessly through the air, pausing before she and Kasai and chirping almost happily. The dragon’s body was rather handsome, if she could say, with sleek black scales. At her side, Kasai’s curiosity only magnified upon spotting the dragon, and at its chirp, she let out a soft, growling meow, tail beginning to flick from side to side.

’Be still, sweet.’ Romani murmured through their internal bond. The last thing that she wanted the tigress to attempt was to attack this beautiful dragon. That wouldn’t do to welcome their guests. It was then that the wolf-horse spoke up, and the palomino’s ears swiveled forward, sharp eyes resting upon his tawny colored body.

“I see… It’s quite alright, good sir,” The warrior responded cordially and with a warm smile, remembering all etiquette that had ever been forced upon her back in Ossic Briar, her homeland, “No worries, you aren’t intruding. It’s quite an honorable thing, escorting someone to a new land.” It was when he continued that her gaze drifted to the Unicorn mare, head tilting somewhat. Boltar had invited her into the herd? While familiar with the name, the Haflinger had yet to grow more acquainted with the said stallion. Romani’s smile then grew, and she bowed her head downwards in a respectful tip of her head to both the wolf-horse and Nadira. “It’s good to meet you, Nadira. I am Romani, warrior of the Foothills, and this is Kasai, my companion.” She paused, tipping her elegant head even lower to motion towards the cub that still sat at her forelegs. “You’re more than welcome to join our home.”

Her smile grew with honesty. Their numbers seemed to grow every day, but it was always a wonderful event to gain a new herd member, a new part of their growing family. Hopefully, this Nadira would enjoy her time here, as Romani herself had learned to do. Maybe they could become friends, she and this mare made of snow…

The true Soldier fights not because
He hates what is in front of him,
But because he loves what is behind him.

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RE: A Home for All [Adeamus, Nadira, Open!] - by Romani - 01-08-2013, 09:20 AM

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