the Rift

Contingo en la Distancia [Psyche, Open]

Vermillion Posts: 42
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 14.3 :: 7


Torasin and Kiba, Ktulu and Eytan, Tor, Zamoro, D'art and Aviya, Svetlana, Pluto

Good afternoon, my dear. My name is Psyche the Dark Empress. I am the Lady of Aurora Basin. Allow me to welcome you to my home

Vermillion looked at Psyche with an objective scrutiny. Trying to politely look her over. Committing her features to memory. White socks? No, that was far too common. Emh. Black pelt? Amber eyes?… No. That wouldn't do either. As he tilted his head, again, trying to be inconspicuous, his green gaze latched onto the multicoloured feathers in her mane and…What's that? Is that teeth? No longer making any attempt to hide his inquisitive gaze, he took a step forward, perhaps moving too close to her; too close for a stranger to be to the Basin Lady, anyways. But he was fixatedon the trinkets in her mane. His eyes widened as he looked from her collection, to her amber eyes. "Sorry miss. Ehm-that is, Psyche, ah! Lady Psyche - uh…BasinLadyPsyche but, are those feathers and…and teeth?" Although his voice could quite fully lose his politeness, a tinge of youthful wonder coloured his questions.

Torasin and Kiba, Ktulu and Eytan, Tor, Zamoro, D'art and Aviya, Svetlana, Pluto, and Pysche with-the-feathers-and-teeth.

If anyone ever came looking for Psyche, he undoubtably would be able to recall her. "Oh!" Vermillion exclaimed suddenly, back peddling a few steps and lowering his head in a bow, while at the same time raising his leonine tail to the side, adding to the effect. "I am Vermillion, which, is quite funny really, because as you can see-" He rose his head, and pushed a shoulder forward, as if indicating that she ought to look at him, "-eh, as you can see, I have no red anywhere. Vermillion is a chinese stone-" he broke off, the interested and "I'll have you know!" look on his face falling off rapidly. "I do hope I'm not trespassing? I was only looking for someone - My apologies Lady Basin - ah! Madam Lady - er, Lady Psyche. Basin." Awkward pause. "Apologies."

Vermillion closed his eyes, shaking his head a few times, deftly trying to clear and declutter his mind. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes again, regarding her with an optimistic and polite stare. Really, this was good luck. The Owner…or…leader? Of the Basin, Psyche, would surely know if Solomon had ever entered her lands before. She seemed quite efficient, in the way she happened upon him so quickly. He knew she would tell him that she had no memory of Solomon, yet at the same time he could feel the gentle excited flutter of hope in his young chest. Would today be the day?

He ran the names through his mind one last time, Torasin and Kiba, Ktulu and Eytan, Tor, Zamoro, D'art and Aviya, Svetlana, Pluto, and Pysche the Basin Lady, for good luck.

& if you were going to crucify me,
I wouldn't want 'nobody to see.

Please tag Vermillion in all posts !

"it is when we are most lost
we find our truest friends "
                   - Snow White

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RE: Contingo en la Distancia [Psyche, Open] - by Vermillion - 01-09-2013, 12:28 AM

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