the Rift

Like a shadow, fleeting. [Osiris]

Osiris Posts: 88
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 17.3hh :: 13.
Comadre :: Plain Black Dragon :: Fire Breath Boom Boom!


Her build was graceful, but her movements were about the opposite. A clucking laugh is in my throat as I hover in front of her, purple eyes glimmering with the light of friendship. Her legs are splayed in surprise, as if she were a dog kneeling to play. Instead, she is a horse, and I know as well as you do that this is not a natural pose for the elegant creatures to take. Even my wolf, being half dog as I mentioned, would not assume such a position, and so my laughter is well justified. I am not malevolent, though by the fear that had raced in front of her eyes, I think perhaps she thought me so. The toothy grin could easily be mistaken, but she is not too hesitant to look at my solid violet eyes which gleam with excitement, not bloodlust.

I am thrilled by her curiosity as her muzzle slowly extends, wide little nostrils quivering with childlike delight, and I extend one clawed hand outward toward it, nearly touching before Osiris's gruff voice speaks up from behind me. I whirl backward, landing neatly on his shoulder as I explained last time, looking up at him and catching the disapproving look from his golden eyes. My dramatic acting seems to have amused my wolf, at least, even if Osiris snorts rather disgustedly in my direction. He tires easily of my tricks, but I think part of him enjoys my little shows of comedy. I know it, actually, as our mind flashes with a bright yellow of humor momentarily even though his face looks serious and drab. Such a mood killer, but I knew him to be rather comical himself. His humor was much darker than my own, often relying heavily on sarcasm.

My wolf has appearances to keep up, after all, if only for himself.

I smile at this mare, but her eyes are now glued upon my bonded's hairy figure. Osiris is stoic, his face neither offended or surprised. I know that he receives many curious looks, and there were times when he was greeted with out right terror, but the wolf was so used to these reactions that he hardly even lets out a sigh of annoyance - hardly. It is so light that were I not perched upon his shoulder feeling the slight raise of his ribcage, I would not have noticed. By the look upon the mare's face, I almost expect her to turn tail and run, and judging by the thoughts running through Osiris's mind, he feels about the same. "She is staying," I say finally, after a few short moments in surprise. "It does appear that way," Osiris says, turning his face toward me so that the bay makes no mistake on who his words are directed at. I wag my tail like a pleased dog as he speaks to me, purple eyes follow his golden toward the bay mare once more.

As she apologizes, her head turns toward the side, hiding her eyes from my wolf as she chokes on words. Unchanged, Osiris hardly seems to notice as she talks, except that his face follows her movements politely. Her eyes fall on me, though, and I give her another encouraging grin, probably looking nightmarish. Ree. After a pause of silence, I am surprised probably as much as the mare is at the laugh that erupts from Osiris. It is a small chortle, but entirely unexpected and I clutch tighter on his fur so that the quakes from his joy do not shake me off his shoulder. "You have no need to be embarrassed," he says, pushing the mirth back once more. "You are hardly the first to stare, and I doubt you will be the last, Ree."

He is being nice, and I am happy.

"I am Osiris, and, as I said, this little twerp is named Comadre," I glare up at him rather indignantly. I am hardly a twerp, and I coo in defiance. He only smirks at me and winks, and I nestle deeper into his shoulder, my pointed nose poking underneath his fur and hiding. Only my horns and purple eyes seem to peek out, and they rest quietly on Ree.

we resign ourselves to existence in the dark. </style>
we must stay afraid.  </style>

image by caste @

Messages In This Thread
Like a shadow, fleeting. [Osiris] - by Ree - 01-07-2013, 11:48 AM
RE: Like a shadow, fleeting. [Osiris] - by Osiris - 01-07-2013, 05:27 PM
RE: Like a shadow, fleeting. [Osiris] - by Ree - 01-07-2013, 10:04 PM
RE: Like a shadow, fleeting. [Osiris] - by Osiris - 01-10-2013, 01:43 PM
RE: Like a shadow, fleeting. [Osiris] - by Ree - 01-20-2013, 11:43 PM
RE: Like a shadow, fleeting. [Osiris] - by Osiris - 02-13-2013, 11:12 AM

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