the Rift

Unforeseen Sanctuary [ Psyche/open ]

Naberius Posts: N/A
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Naberius was far from a chaste individual. He had met copious amounts of females in his nine years tormenting this world and very few had not succumbed to him. Actually it was easier to count the ones he hadn’t taken to bed than the ones he had, leaving him with a minuscule score who had achieved his respect. Abe was not, contrary to many opinions, a stallion who believed all femmes were inferior to males. He had met a few ladies who he held above even his father in cleverness and skill; though never above himself mind you. He was always intrigued, and relieved, when he came upon anyone who had more than just a pea rolling around between their ears. Now Abe was beginning to think Psyche might have more than just a pea in that pretty head of hers. It was obvious that though she was flirting, and flirting well, she was no jezebel. However that didn’t stop him from imagining her as if she was some kind of whore, only for his pleasure of course.

When she laughed it was like fuel for his grin, letting the sneer grow double in size upon his jaws. "Why, darling, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to proposition me!" These words forced a chuckle of his own into the air.

“Perhaps you’re not as dumb as you look.”

The words were laced with jest. Like the little boy on the playground that pushes you down because he likes you. She did not strike him as a doltish damsel in the least, there was something about her that never allowed you to doubt her intelligence. Naberius felt her tail brush his flesh and the muscles in his thigh impetuously twitched and caused him to stomp his right rear hoof. "And wouldn't that be entirely inappropriate, for a stranger to be so forward with an Empress?" Naberius’s thoughts were confirmed, she did hold significant authority, though he had truly known this fact from the moment she approached him. It was all in the way she held herself, like a queen.

When she lifted her crania and cooed in his ear he could feel a shiver travel down his spine. Her warm breath encasing his audit felt so intimate and unexpected that Abe didn’t know how to react for a moment. Her whispered words, which only told of her calling, felt as if they were testing him and his willpower. Psyche Abe ruminated on her name for a second and when she pulled away he made eye contact with her, studying her amber pools again curiously. She sure was a fascinating creature, one he was eager to get to know. Naberius nodded his head with a chortle before looking away again.

“Ah but you see queeny inappropriate makes up ninety-nine percent of who I am. I prefer the high ranking broads because all that stress and power makes them killer in the bedroom.”

Abe’s gaze was on her once more; his tone was playful and inviting as he watched her. Naberius had a knack for pushing his limits and he began to ponder when he would take it too far with her. Psyche probably had ruthless body guards waiting on the sidelines keen to put this peasant in his place. That just made this pursuit all the more fun.

{ooc: Sorry its le crappolla }

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Messages In This Thread
Unforeseen Sanctuary [ Psyche/open ] - by Naberius - 12-22-2012, 07:32 PM
RE: Unforeseen Sanctuary [ Psyche/open ] - by Naberius - 12-24-2012, 04:30 PM
RE: Unforeseen Sanctuary [ Psyche/open ] - by Naberius - 01-02-2013, 05:22 PM
RE: Unforeseen Sanctuary [ Psyche/open ] - by Naberius - 01-13-2013, 06:10 PM
RE: Unforeseen Sanctuary [ Psyche/open ] - by Naberius - 01-31-2013, 04:04 PM

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