the Rift

macabre maracas calling my name, lupus/open

Lumière Posts: N/A
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[Image: 50f51ce9c03f3]

L u m i è r e

"And prey tell me,why do you have no one to wonder with?" Oh this wolf was simply dreadful. She squeezed her eyes closed as they threatened to spill over with tears. Lumière's voice became hitched in her throat as she struggled to conjure words to reply with to the wolf. Lumi wasn't quite sure why she had no one to wander with, though. Maybe she was just that dreadful of a horse?

A familiar click-clack of hooves on ice met the mare's ears. Why was someone here? It wasn't like she was even worth saving, but when her mahogany eyes flickered open once more, before her stood none other than the King of Thieves himself, Jackal. Relief washed over Lumière as she looked up into the devoted eyes of her chief, letting out a shaky breath she hadn't realized she had been holding in the first place.

"She is not your prey, dog," Jackal spat at the wolf as he placed himself between Lumi and the white dog who had previously been confronting her, though the mare stayed silent. Shame filled her mind as her eyes trailed to the floor, she hadn't been able to protect herself, and now someone was doing it for her. It made the mare feel incredibly weak, but in a way, safe. Maybe her mother had been right after all. Herd life might not be all bad.

Then again, while her mother was being ripped to shreds, no one from her herd came to her rescue, only Lumière. She didn't know much of that specific herd, though. It could've had a bad leader after all, or lazy guardians. Both seemed applicable to her mother's situation, but Lumi was still timid, even after all she had gone through. Then again, wasn't it her own fault for getting stuck in the cave with a wolf?

Messages In This Thread
macabre maracas calling my name, lupus/open - by Lumière - 01-15-2013, 04:11 AM
RE: macabre maracas calling my name, lupus/open - by Lumière - 01-16-2013, 10:18 PM
RE: macabre maracas calling my name, lupus/open - by Lumière - 01-18-2013, 07:22 PM
RE: macabre maracas calling my name, lupus/open - by Lumière - 01-22-2013, 05:48 PM

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