the Rift

I Have Lost Everything | Open!

Insanity Posts: N/A
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[Image: 50f755c1acbd5]

I n s a n i t y

”Svetlana is dead…she was…she was like my mommy. Now…now I dunno…I dunno what to do…” The poor creature sniffed a little. Oh the pity I took on its poor soul. I knew what it was like to be abandoned and unwanted as well, but I had turned into a twisted being. The innocence of this babe would not be spoiled - not if I had a role in this charade.

I moved gracefully to stand by the filly's side as she continued to talk, but my eyes remained on the scenery before me. ”I…I’m Nayati,” spoke the child, her words plagued with nothingness. I continued to stare at the mountains, my face cold, and my mind slowly pushing the King of the Dead of my thoughts. Those damn mountains. They were lucky, they felt nothing while we were here wallowing in our own sadness.

I let Nayati's words sink in a moment, leaving us in silence before I snapped the quiet air like a twig underneath my hoof. "You may call me Insanity," I began, still staring into the unknown surrounding the Foothills, "I know how you feel, child. For I, too, am alone without my family. Yet, you must realize something, Nayati. You must find the strength to move on, to find your smile, or end up like me," I whispered the words. The words were chilling, laced with a daunting attribute that I was good at forcing into my words.

But in some cases, that daunting tone was not forced out of my lips, sometimes it came naturally as it did just then. I couldn't bring myself to look into Nayati's eyes, let alone look at her face at all. I knew my knees would give way, I would be left a sobbing mare, crumpled on the ground, for this filly reminded me far too much of myself, of the young and proud spirit I used to be, but was now not. I was an empty shell. Icy hands had crushed my heart far too long ago for it to be repaired now.

Messages In This Thread
I Have Lost Everything | Open! - by Nayati - 01-16-2013, 11:19 PM
RE: I Have Lost Everything | Open! - by Insanity - 01-17-2013, 04:51 PM
RE: I Have Lost Everything | Open! - by Insanity - 01-18-2013, 07:56 PM
RE: I Have Lost Everything | Open! - by Insanity - 01-19-2013, 09:46 PM
RE: I Have Lost Everything | Open! - by Nayati - 01-17-2013, 07:34 PM
RE: I Have Lost Everything | Open! - by Nayati - 01-19-2013, 04:46 PM
RE: I Have Lost Everything | Open! - by Nayati - 01-25-2013, 10:37 PM
RE: I Have Lost Everything | Open! - by Insanity - 02-04-2013, 08:35 PM

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