the Rift

Pretty Little Darlings [Brit Character Tracker]

Nayati Posts: 116
Mare :: Equine :: 14.3hh :: four years
Rathunax :: Common Red Dragon :: Shock Breath cailyn

the flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly

Blah Blah

image credits
table by whit

<table align="center" width="750" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #4d507b"><tr><td style="background: url('') bottom center no-repeat; border:solid 2pt #ffffff">
<center><span style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #000000;"><div style="color: #ffffff; font-family: times; font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 90px; opacity:0.2;"><i>Nayati</i></div></center>
<center><div style="letter-spacing: 7px; color: #fff5ca; font-family: monospace; font-size: 11px; opacity: 0.9;">the flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly</div></center><span style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #000000;"><div style="margin: 45px; margin-bottom: 570px; margin-top: 50px; opacity: 0.7; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1pt white;  color: #ffffff; font-family: cambria; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:2px; line-spacing:10px; text-align: justify;">

Blah Blah

<SUB><a href=>image credits</a>
table by <a>whit</a></sub>


<table align="center" width="750" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background: url('');">
<td style="border:solid; width:4pt; color:#000000">
<center><img src=><BR><BR><BR>
<table align="center" width="650" bgcolor="#E6B985" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="border:solid 1pt #000000">
<div align="justify"; style="color:#703E30; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; font-family:times; font-size:9px; letter-spacing:4px; line-spacing:14px">

<font color="#765541">"Talk"</font>


despite everything I gave,
you walked away...


<table align="center" width="550" bgcolor="#f0f0d8" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="border:solid 2pt #dedbc5"><center><table width=450px cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0"><tr><td>
<div align=center><span style="font-family:garamond; color:#600000; font-size:12pt; letter-spacing:5pt; line-height:7pt;"><i>despite everything I gave,
you walked away...</i></style></div></center><div style="padding: 0px 90px 0px 0px;"><div align=justify><font style="font-family:garamond;color:4990ad;font-size:12px;letter-spacing:1px; line-height:15px"><font color="#998f77">

<font color="#723c3d">"Talk"</font>

</div></div></center></td></tr></table></center></font><center><img src=""></td></tr></table></center>

the rose shadows said that they loved the sun, but they also loved the dark, 
where their roots grew through the lightless mystery of the earth. the roses said: you do not have to choose. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pretty Little Darlings [Brit Character Tracker] - by Nayati - 01-22-2013, 03:56 AM

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