the Rift

[BASIN] Spirit of the White Bear[Psyche/open?]

Nisa Posts: N/A
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Polar Bear | Female | 335

Actions | "Speech" | Thoughts

Unicorn. So what? She thought as she looked the horned equine in the face. Just because you have a horn doesn't make you any less or more important than any other hoofed creature in the world. You're all prey animals to me. She chuffed again at the thought as she looked at how the mare held herself with all the pride and dignity of a deity. Nisa narrowed her black eyes a bit at the mare's honeyed words. Had the white she-bear been in the mood for a scuffle, she would have boxed her over the ears by now with one powerful, hefty paw.

"What choice do I have in such weather? My expertise in hunting has been taken away from me by nature and will not return again until the Sea Ice reforms. Do not talk to me like I am a simple-minded cub, prey. You do not know of what you speak. Having never tasted the flesh of another being, you can not stand there and tell me how far away I am from my home. You have not an idea of how desperate hunger makes the carnivore that I am. Do not assume you know me. In the grand scheme of things, I am higher than you." She growled out the words as she continued walking, brushing the unicorn's legs with her own shoulders and shoving her out of the way like a muscular bulldozer.

She didn't seem to be of the mind to kill the unicorn, because otherwise she could have, easily. Nisa had not yet met a horse, unicorn or otherwise, that could match her raw power in a test of strength. Which is why she wasn't inclined to show much respect to the unicorn that had addressed her. On top of that, as a carnivore, Nisa stored a lot of faith in the food chain, and in her mind, she didn't care who the unicorn was, she was still beneath her.

Messages In This Thread
Spirit of the White Bear[Psyche/open?] - by Nisa - 01-22-2013, 12:11 AM
RE: Spirit of the White Bear[Psyche/open?] - by Nisa - 01-23-2013, 03:24 AM
RE: Spirit of the White Bear[Psyche/open?] - by Nisa - 02-03-2013, 03:04 PM

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