the Rift

Expanding Skills [Earth God]

God of the Earth Posts: 287
Helovian Ancient
Stallion :: Equine :: 22.0hh :: Ageless

The GOD of the EARTH

earth god like quote here~

The God of the Earth listened intently, feeling his sister's wind stir up his mane and watching his brother's sun pass through the sky with the aid of Brother Time. His gentle eyes watched Kimber's creatures with care and kindness, and though his ears turned to her voice, his focus was on her magic as it already existed. She asked for quite a lot of him and his siblings, but he would not turn her away.

Still, he could not provide her with tasks for each desire today. With a shake of his dusty form and a rumble of the earth, he straightened himself and regained some of his composure, which had slipped away in the watery eyes of Kimber's summoned creatures. "Stories of my siblings and I will have to wait for another day, young one," the god began, for all mortals were young to his ancient soul. "Your magic, however, is something I might be able to help you with. Explore the water sources of Helovia and the creatures that rely on them. There you will acquire these new skills," the God concluded with an easy smile. He only hoped Kimber would truly benefit from his given task.

[[Your new magic upgrade will include the ability to summon two larger animals of water; one predator, and one prey like the fox and ferret. (IE: Bear and Buck) Make an RE tagged thread (Though it can also be open to others) near a water source in an area that could house one of the animals you desire, and specify which animal you are seeking in an OOC comment. Your task will be revealed by the RE. You will need to have two threads total that follow this pattern, one for each animal.]]


Messages In This Thread
Expanding Skills [Earth God] - by Kimber - 01-09-2013, 09:08 PM
RE: Expanding Skills [Earth God] - by Kimber - 01-10-2013, 01:48 PM
RE: Expanding Skills [Earth God] - by Kimber - 01-12-2013, 11:41 PM
RE: Expanding Skills [Earth God] - by Kimber - 01-18-2013, 12:50 AM
RE: Expanding Skills [Earth God] - by God of the Earth - 01-24-2013, 09:32 PM
RE: Expanding Skills [Earth God] - by Kimber - 01-27-2013, 03:06 AM

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