the Rift

Pain is worth the heartbreak [Faelene]

Levi Posts: 270
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.1hh :: 6 Buff: NOVICE

Levi was uncertain that there was someone watching him, although, he would not have minded anyways if the horse did not plan on giving him any trouble. Keeping gaze towards the ground, Levi did not want to keep exploring just yet because he wanted to think. Thinking was what the brute was best at. If he did not think before every situation then he would not make a good choice because he needed every moment of his thoughts. He needed to know what to say to Phaedra, every little aspect of his memories counted. Phaedra had not been too keen on him lately and seemed to think that he was “immature” Shouldn’t she have gotten my hints by now? He thought almost gritting his teeth. He was in no mood to be happy right now. It was more so he was upset and just wanted to get away from everyone. That is why the brute had left the herd to come here. It seemed as though nobody was around and he was the first one to discover these frozen lands. It felt good, as though he were a king, but he knew this “fantasy” would end fairly quick.

Kri now shifted into his thoughts. Her chocolate wraps of coat marveled her irony mane and tail. Ocean colored gaze tied in all of her features. To Levi, she was quite the woman, but there was no way that he would ever try to flirt or disrespect him lovely leader. His dear Sultana was so busy lately, he wondered if maybe she needed help. Before Levi had gotten promoted to Sergeant, he was caught in an awkward situation with a stallion named Tio. She threw herself towards the brute as though it was nothing, stepping in place for Levi. The grullo was certain that she was a better fighter than he, but he still knew how to fend for himself. Kri was his overall the greatest sister he could ask for, and he honored her in every way possible. Levi dearly wished that he could give her a night off and he would watch over the throat, or maybe he could take her somewhere she could relax.

"Did...did you just do that with your mind?" Quickly twisting his neck, the brute looked towards the mare that came towards him. Her reddish mane fell over her jet black coat, as she seemed to be curious about him. The night was just starting so the moon was lit making her coat look glossy. Her beauty was truly stunning, but Levi was unsure if she was just trying to trick him. If she was from the Aurora Basin then he might be injured, captured, or even killed. The group were racist and they would surely judge him because he was a Pegasus and not a unicorn. Hoping that the raven fae would not hurt him, he slowly started to step towards her, but keeping a fair enough distance so that she would not feel as though he was intruding her space. Wearing a genuine smile, the brute’s orbs lit up as he was about to talk about his magic. “Yes mam, I did control the stone with my mind.” Taking a pause he gestured towards the little crimples of stone that remained. “I recently got a power where I can manipulate sand or stone into any shape I want. I am still new at it, so it probably looked fairly sloppy.” Chuckling slightly, the brute gazed towards her eyes as he waited for her to respond.

As she spoke her name, Faelene, Levi gave a slight bow towards her in respect. Her name was unique, but charming. It fit her in her unique ways, so Levi decided that he was going to introduce himself. “Pleasure to meet you Faelene, you have a lovely name. My name is Levi.” Silver orbs sparkled towards her as they hit the moonlight slightly “Ah, right why I am here. Well I just needed to get away from my herd for a bit. I need time to think. Times have been rough… but may I ask what brought you here as well?”

[OOC: Oh yes, sorry! I might have been confused by the map lol :3]

"blah blah blah."

Messages In This Thread
Pain is worth the heartbreak [Faelene] - by Levi - 01-20-2013, 11:19 AM
RE: Pain is worth the heartbreak [Faelene] - by Levi - 01-25-2013, 10:52 AM

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