the Rift

Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel]

Aryel Posts: 229
Dragon's Throat Soldier
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.4 :: 4

Aryel (December)
"Wait...what the--"

(Last time I have to use her doofy Christmas table :D)

Aryel hadn't intended to bite Kri on the withers, but perhaps it would be even more advantageous than grappling with her mane or neck. As her teeth found purchase in her mentor's skin, Aryel realized that she might now have the upper hand. Kri was still above her, sandy wings buffeting her with gusts of wind, but she now had purchase on her withers and could pull her downwards if she chose, and still inflict pain. She wouldn't get the opportunity though, as Kri's shoulder bashed into her own just as the sandy mare's hind hooves came down hard on her rump, not quite as quick as a kick, but still forceful. She hadn't expected her to retaliate in such a manner and was unprepared for the dual blow. At the same time, her plunging head came back up, and the top of Kri's neck clipped her bottom jaw, finally loosening her hold on Kri's hide. She was now even closer to the Resolute's hooves, her head within striking distance.

Not exactly somewhere she wanted to be. She flung herself leftwards away from Kri with a flap, long wings striking towards the Commander's sides, which would certainly cause pain if they hit. The force produced from the wingstroke tilted her somewhat sideways, and she took the opportunity to break away from the fight, banking away with several powerful wingbeats until she was out of striking distance, gliding back around to face the other pegasus while hovering. She tasted blood. Was it Kri's? Or had she bitten her tongue when the bay's neck hit her jaw? She wasn't sure. The adrenaline rush the fight had brought on was beginning to subside, but her thoughts were still scattered and tense. Not that she wasn't enjoying herself. She loved the challenge of fighting someone as skilled as Kri, especially one so skilled and yet as diminutive as she was. Really, both of them weren't much larger than ponies. She admired the tactics her opponent used, trying to commit them to memory should she go up against a larger enemy (which probably wasn't far off). She waited for Kri to continue the fight or, more likely, signal it's end, as she sensed the fight was about over. Both of them were tired, if the sheen of sweat on her own coat and faint evidence of the same thing on the Commander was anything to judge by. A dip in the oasis seemed like a lovely idea at the moment, and she was rather happy with herself concerning the spar. She had displayed what skills she knew, and absorbed a few new ones. Not too bad for her first proper fight. I'd like to go against Dakini or Crowley now, she thought with no small amount of venom. I'd send them away with more than a dislocated leg.

"blah blah blah."


Thanks for the good times, and no hard feelings for the bad times.

Vicer and Aryel's new threads never happened.

Messages In This Thread
Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Kri - 12-26-2012, 06:46 PM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Aryel - 12-28-2012, 10:35 AM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Kri - 12-29-2012, 01:23 PM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Aryel - 01-01-2013, 10:41 AM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Kri - 01-09-2013, 03:50 PM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Aryel - 01-18-2013, 01:02 PM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Kri - 01-25-2013, 05:23 PM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Aryel - 01-30-2013, 04:54 PM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Official - 01-30-2013, 07:08 PM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Kri - 01-30-2013, 08:16 PM
RE: Heartbeats like a Drum. [Aryel] - by Aryel - 01-30-2013, 08:31 PM

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