the Rift

the earth has music for those who listen

Phaedra the Opulent Posts: 343
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15.3 :: 6 Buff: NOVICE
Stella :: Secretary Bird :: None Aud
 & from your lips she drew the hallelujah</style>

Stella observed the kitsune happily bounding and copying her movements, from her place at Phae's side. Typically, companions of completely different species do not interact with one another; even so, the small bird was intrigued by the fox-creatures gay movements. Still, Stella sensed her bonded's hesitation when the Unicorn mare called out to her, and decided it best to leave the companion alone. Trilling softly with slight disappointment, the chick refocused her efforts on consuming her meal.

Hello! You may join us, if you'd like. A moment of painful uncertainty washed through the once golden-mare. She found that it was mildly difficult to understand the mare's words, even though she wasn't so far away. Biting her lip, Phae wondered if the curse had effected her ears in some way - her vision didn't appear to be affected...maybe there was simply something wrong with her ears? Perfect. Just what I need, she thought angrily. Her first instinct had been to lie to the two mares, who seemed to be patiently waiting to see if she would join them. Lie, and say she was meeting someone, or had to be somewhere...However, the emaciated pegasus found that no excuses were presenting themselves to her mind. Then again...she didn't recognize either of the mares...perhaps they would simply view her as some old hag? Perhaps she could use this to her advantage? At the thought, a toothless grin broke out across her features - she doubted very much that the Goddess of the Moon would like it if Phae benefited in some way from this damned curse.

Moving slowly, with age and arthritis, the mangy and de-saturated palominio moved towards the two mares. Even though the weather was significantly warmer than it had ever been, Phae felt incredibly uncomfortable. Her patchy coat did little to insulate the mare, and she found herself moving quickly from too hot, to too cold. She also felt as though her exposed skin was becoming sunburned, and the tightness in her wings assured her that they already had been burned. Her sunken green gaze washed over the two of them, no longer holding the confident or flirtatious sparkle that they had only days ago. As she neared, she idly wondered what their reaction could be. Maneless, tailless, emaciated, aged, old hag, that was what she had become.

Stopping a few feet away, she regarded them carefully. She was far away from The Grey's territory, and having only a handful of 'friends', she felt extremely vulnerable out here, in the open. She could no longer run with any sort of grace or speed, and very much doubted that her molting and withered wings would support her in flight. Nodding carefully, she eyed each mare warily, mentally calling Stella to her side. With a look of concern, the yellow-faced secretary bird picked up her meal, and glided gracefully to Phae's side. Normally, the bird perched on her bonded's wither, but given Phae's state of decay, Stella decided the ground was a better option for both of them. Chirping politely, Stella looked from Lena to Ree, and finally to Imogen. In her little mind, she hoped that her bonded would stay a while with these mares, so she could hunt with the fox-thing.

 HP: 45.5

Messages In This Thread
RE: the earth has music for those who listen - by Ree - 01-27-2013, 03:26 PM
RE: the earth has music for those who listen - by Ree - 01-31-2013, 11:12 AM
RE: the earth has music for those who listen - by Phaedra - 02-02-2013, 11:41 AM

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