the Rift

The last flake of Frostfall [Open]

Aryel Posts: 229
Dragon's Throat Soldier
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.4 :: 4

I'm through accepting limits / 'cause someone says they're so.

"Good." she said as Levi denied seeing any sign of him recently. "He can go cavort across the meadow with daisies in his mane for all I care, but he better not show up at the Throat anytime soon." She just didn't understand how someone as arrogant as he was would be able to gather an army.

A very unwelcome voice interrupted her thoughts. Speaking of arrogant...

"Hello again, fleabag." she said, turning to face the white wolf. Her eyes were hooded, head raised in an aloof and uncaring manner, as if the wolf was nothing more than a slightly interesting yet disgusting bug. "If you really must know, Tio's a stallion who's even dumber than you and twice as ugly, and has gotten it into his head that he's going to march on the Throat." she gave a disgusted snort. "But surely you recall how Kri and I can send an intruder packing. Remember? Because that intruder was you." For all his posturing and smirking, this wolf was severely outmatched. Two strong horses in their prime could easily kill a solitary wolf. Oh, she wouldn't kill him today, no. She frowned upon mindless murder. Some other day, maybe, when she had a good reason.

She snorted again as Lupus mockingly greeted them. Her disinterested expression lost some of it's disinterest as Lupus idly wondered aloud what Levi would do if he attacked Aryel. Her head lowered in an aggressive position, ears going back. "You wouldn't even have the chance, mutt." she hissed, advancing on him. "We would've trampled you into a bloody pulp before you could lunge." Nothing quite got under Aryel's skin like someone assuming she was weak. While Lupus hadn't outright stated it, her hate of him had led her to hear the implication in his words, whether it was really there or not.

"Speaking her mind." Rare moments of thought. Taking action.

Some things I cannot change / but until I try I'll never know.

Thanks for the good times, and no hard feelings for the bad times.

Vicer and Aryel's new threads never happened.

Messages In This Thread
The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Aryel - 01-26-2013, 09:26 AM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Levi - 01-26-2013, 11:33 AM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Aryel - 01-27-2013, 09:37 AM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Levi - 02-02-2013, 03:02 PM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Lupus - 02-02-2013, 05:42 PM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Aryel - 02-03-2013, 10:16 AM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Levi - 02-04-2013, 09:08 AM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Lupus - 02-04-2013, 11:35 AM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Aryel - 02-09-2013, 10:09 AM
RE: The last flake of Frostfall [Open] - by Lupus - 02-16-2013, 05:57 PM

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