the Rift

Gonna put the world away for a minute. [Open]

Aryel Posts: 229
Dragon's Throat Soldier
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.4 :: 4

I'm through accepting limits / 'cause someone says they're so.

Aryel stopped as someone's voice cut through her daydreaming. A coal-colored mare, with a crimson mane and horn, as well as slitted pupils. Didn't see that every day. Her eyes were drawn to a slight movement near the horse's leg, and she realized with a start that it was a snake, the same color as the horse itself, watching her with beady eyes. Must be a friend of hers, she thought. She had heard of animals bonding to horses here, but who would want a pet snake? She turned to face the two, sizing up the mare. Bigger than herself, as usual, but it had long since ceased to matter to Aryel. What did unsettle her was the strange feeling she got from the mare. She didn't know why, but she didn't plan to relax completely until she knew who this horse was.

"My name is Aryel." she said, nostrils drawing in the horse's scent. She couldn't tell if the mare was an Outcast, or if that really was a tinge of Throat she smelled. Normally, she would've settled down after realizing she was meeting another Throat horse, but for some reason, she hoped this mare wasn't actually in their herd. "I've given my name, so perhaps you could tell me yours? And that of your snake's?"

(Sorry for the tiny post, I had a bit of a muse block here.)

"Speaking her mind." Rare moments of thought. Taking action.

Some things I cannot change / but until I try I'll never know.

Thanks for the good times, and no hard feelings for the bad times.

Vicer and Aryel's new threads never happened.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Gonna put the world away for a minute. [Open] - by Satan - 02-03-2013, 04:47 AM
RE: Gonna put the world away for a minute. [Open] - by Aryel - 02-03-2013, 10:46 AM
RE: Gonna put the world away for a minute. [Open] - by Satan - 02-03-2013, 02:41 PM

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