the Rift

Make sure you get there first [Psyche]

Psyche the DarkEmpress Posts: 380
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15.3 hh :: 8 (ages in Orangemoon) Buff: ENDURE

Power had once been something that she had sought to gather, to hoard, to hold onto with every fiber of her being. For another to have power was to challenge her; for them to hold any manner of control was for her to lose it. But leadership has a funny way of rearranging one's priorities, and the shadow-mare had recognized and accepted that she simply could not do it all. And so Deimos, her General, had risen, placed into power from her respect of the fear he inspired. In battle, he would truly be terrifying; on a daily basis, he was intimidating at the very least. She did not fear him (though perhaps she should have), but she knew that others did. And that was what mattered. Besides, he was loyal to her, or at least to her cause, and that, too, was key.

Myrddin had been her next appointment, becoming Haruspex easily with his elderly wisdom and gruff counsel. Sure, he had supported Mauja far more than he did the jackal, but they had had a longer relationship. He was loyal to the Basin, though, and she doubted that he would set out to overthrow her. He seemed to be more an observer, content to watch, gather information, analyze situations, give advice. No, he was no threat to her. d'Artagnan had been an almost automatic appointment, strongly devoted to their common cause, if not to her, and skilled beyond reason. Yes, she had distributed power ever so well amongst them, and it had left her free to recruit, to protect. But there was still more to be done, and Faelene, it seemed, had stepped into the hole that Psyche left. The pair had reached a relationship built of mutual respect, and the shade neither liked nor disliked the red-maned fae. But she had proven herself useful, worthy of a higher office, and above all, she was loyal to her kindred. The Empress knew that Faelene would never join her in beliefs, but in the desire to protect what was hers? She would indeed.

An amulet swung from her nape; she lowered her head, allowing it to slip into the dirt before her. "It's more a formality than anything, darling, as you seem to have assumed the role already - but your talents seem very fitting for the rank of Thief." She picked the amulet up, offered it to the red-maned; "A symbol of your rank. It will cast another's magic back at them, but you may only use it once. Do so wisely." Amber gaze met black, and for once, there was no mask. The red-maned had to accept, of course, but the Lady was sure that she would do so. And then it would be time for her questions.

[W/C | xxx]

Walk walk walk.
"Talk talk talk."
Think think think.

[Image: psycheicon.png]

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RE: Make sure you get there first [Psyche] - by Psyche - 02-03-2013, 05:03 PM

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