the Rift

Make sure you get there first [Psyche]

Faelene Posts: 297
Hidden Account
Mare :: Unicorn :: 16 :: 9 Buff: NOVICE

F a e l e n e
milk it for all it's worth

I hope it's okay to assume Psyche puts it on her. xD I was going to have her mention prisoners, it might not be needed so I'll wait.

Thoughts of usurping Psyche might have crossed her mind before the Basin. Even then it was more of a wish she might vanish into thin air, and all the troubles they possessed. Nothing personal. Faelene had not really known, or understood her then. When it became a declaration from the Time God, they got a new home the mare wasn't about to question it. Really, they had needed someone to step up, fill that place. The red maned couldn't quite see anyone else taking up leadership, handling it as well as the shadow mare did. Faelene had had her doubts, but Psyche knew what she was doing, she had taken up the reins of power well. Faelene would feel sorry for the poor soul who did try to take that from her. She had gotten to serve the Lady and she knew she was cunning, and cold with her own gifted tongue. How they had found mutual respect, was beyond her. But she liked it much better. They were not the same, but almost. Though Psyche may have darker intentions, wants, there was no question when it came to the Basin, protecting their home, Faelene would do whatever it took at all costs. Was this what helped the shadow mare trust her? Undying loyalty to her kind? The fact she might not mind equines and pegasus harmed? Faelene could be a solider or a sleuth?

Curious eyes watched the silver amulet drop to the ground at her hooves. She couldn't guess what properties it had, or where it came. Should she be worried? It was hard to fight off warning instincts, Psyche was not playing a game, or hiding behind anything. She was promoting her, not a huge shock. Faelene the Theif had a good ring. Silver orbs would slip to the liquid amber of her Lady, ears a tuned to her explanation. A faint smile was on her dark muzzle, and she dipped her head in acceptance and appreciation of it. It would be useful, she would keep it on her. Sadly, her other was quite useless, she had plans to have some kind of magic within it. She wondered if the doctors would work. "Thank you, I'll carry both with purpose," she answered, letting a hint of gratitude creep in her tone. Faelene knew she needed to live up to it, and had every intention of doing so. Head rising, the amulet taking place at her chest, it was time for her mind to be spoken. "I see Naberius must have found you. I had no patience to introduce him, felt he needed to find the Basin to be worthy of it. What I really wanted to ask if there was something specific I could do for you. I sent Shuler and Crowley to get information from the Foothills. Lots of things have changed there,I thought it best to see if the new leader would be tied to the Edge, and Throat as the others being are closest neighbor." Faelene would pause, letting Psyche take in her words, collect her thoughts before continuing. "A mare tried to steal Crowley, but did not make very quiet work of it. I tried to catch her, but she didn't want to stay for a visit." There was wry grin, wishing she had got her, but she could try again another day.


[Image: faeleneicon.png]

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RE: Make sure you get there first [Psyche] - by Faelene - 02-07-2013, 06:13 PM

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