the Rift

One breath in a chain of thought |Open

Ayaka Posts: N/A
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“Ayaka?” The brute called out to the fae. Hearing his voice made Ayaka feel a little better, knowing that he was still on the other side of the wall of flames. Her heart was still racing although the fight was over. The burns of her own flames on her back had cooled down and started to hurt a little less. The flames began to die out and she could soon see the massive face and neck of Gaucho. He was ok. She hoped that none of the flames that she had not directed towards him, but shot them to the ground, had not hurt him. Her tongue hung from her blood stained maw as she gazed at Gaucho to see the wounds that she had created. A bite mark on his neck and the harsh gash she had made to his shoulder. The scratch and bite mark on his side seemed to stand out the most, at least to her. His body was full of sweat , but mysteriously, the strange tribal markings on him seemed clean and untouched by a cut or by sweat. How she wished that she could sweat through her whole body. Unfortunately, wolves and other canines could only sweat through their soft paw pads. This just put her in more heat than she already was.

The lupa wondered what Gaucho could really do to an animal if he had really hated it and wanted to kill it. He could do more damage that she could have ever thought a horse could do. It he really wanted to hurt her, he could have easily just trapped her underneath his hooves and crushed her by this. Since he was so big, there would have been no way out. And others thought that wolves were dangerous! Horses were bigger and could kill you with one swipe with a hoof. With wolves, it took time and effort to make a kill. Unless the animal was smaller than them that is. If he had been smaller, or even the size that the other wolf she had met named Lupus, she could had easily just grabbed his neck and dig her long fangs into his soft flesh until they struck his jugular vein. That was the quickest was for a wolf to make a kill.

Now the flames were totally out and black lined the place where she had set on fire. Her legs by now were fighting to keep her standing and her wound was still bleeding. “I always thought that I might have a chance against a horse in a fight… Until now that is. You were truly my hardest opponent yet, Gaucho.” She smiled. Letting her exhausted legs win and she placed her rump onto the ground, letting her limbs relax. Her eyes that were usually lively like real flames now looked flat and just a dull orange. The sun beamed down and seemed to bake her internally. She gave her gash on the shoulder a tender lick, freeing it from any bacteria that might have lingered onto it. She then pointed her sly muzzle back to the figure of Gaucho.

"blah blah blah."

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RE: One breath in a chain of thought |Open - by Ayaka - 02-03-2013, 01:22 PM
RE: One breath in a chain of thought |Open - by Ayaka - 02-04-2013, 08:20 AM
RE: One breath in a chain of thought |Open - by Ayaka - 02-04-2013, 12:22 PM
RE: One breath in a chain of thought |Open - by Ayaka - 02-04-2013, 03:15 PM
RE: One breath in a chain of thought |Open - by Ayaka - 02-08-2013, 01:50 PM
RE: One breath in a chain of thought |Open - by Ayaka - 02-11-2013, 12:06 PM

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