the Rift

I went searchin' for the seas but all I fould was trees[Pirates]

Alvilda Posts: 12
Hidden Account
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 3 years

A ship is called she because there is always a great deal of men around her. I change that.

The boy seems to become more interested in my when I tell him I'm a pirate. My lips curl into a smile, now I had his attention. He gives me his name, and I nod, matching his name and appearance into my mind so I can remember him. He speaks of a band of pirates, and instantly my smile widens. "Pirates, eh? I'm in!" I grin, my younger and more energetic side beginning to show. This side was the side that caused all the chaos and mayhem. Which was perfect because pirates were meant to cause chaos and mayhem!

I notice Vicer glances towards a trail, and instantly I begin to walk on it, kicking dirt and debris up behind me as I leap into the air, soaring through a clearing, my wings outstretched. I look down at him, smiling.
"I'' follow ya, alright!? You'll be okay walkin', right?" I shout down at the chestnut stud. My appendages beat the air, keeping me just above the tree tops. The sun beats down on my back and my wings as I hover above the ground, waiting for Vicer to answer me.

Flying was a great experience. Especially when you fly above the water. Feeling the wind whip your mane and tail as you soar above the sparkling waters, you don't have to worry about anything! Soaring up towards the blue sky, speckled with white clouds. Beams of light hitting your coat, making it gleam. Smelling the salty air and taking it all in. Yes. That is what I love. Soaring above the ocean, skimming the water with your wings. I can almost smell the salty water as I think about it. I glance back down at Vicer with my amber orbs, still waiting for his reply.

"Sharin' tales"
Thinkin' thoughts
Movin' round and round

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RE: I went searchin' for the seas but all I fould was trees[Pirates] - by Alvilda - 02-09-2013, 10:24 AM

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