the Rift

Gone Astray | Ktu, Open

Phaedra the Opulent Posts: 343
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15.3 :: 6 Buff: NOVICE
Stella :: Secretary Bird :: None Aud

 The Spy</style>

 Drop past the color; come up through the summer rain.</style>

Son of the Earth God...

The words resounded in Phaedra's mind.




Phae had met the Earth God - twice. Once when she first entered Helovia, seeking a companion, and the second time when she had completed the quest upon which he had sent her. He seemed kind, and good, and caring...everything that Ktulu was not. Eyeing the dark mare now, Phae seemed more uncertain and fearful of her than ever before. How? Why? had he chosen her? Then, as if Phaedra wasn't surprised enough, Ktulu did something that once-golden girl thought she would never do.

I must ask out of my own concern...

Concern. Mother of a demi-God. Who was this dark mare, and where was Ktu?

Phae shook her head with a weary smile, trying to gulp down her shock and confusion over Ktulu's sudden softening. "Ah..." She began, with a hesitant smile. Was it by choice? Well, she hadn't intended to get pregnant but...the act had certainly been by choice, she thought with a crimson blush. Looking back to Ktu, she sighed. "I was not forced, if that is what you ask." Relief flooded the mare, as if finally dawned on her that her home and family were not going to abandon her due to her momentary lapse of judgement with Tolio, and with the curse she had brought on herself. At least one of them would become a benefit to her and the other...her unborn foal? That remained to be seen.

Flicking her stump of a tail, Phae nodded to Ktu as she stepped to the side. Pausing, she looked back at the dark mare. "Thank you for your concern...and for your...approval." She muttered, with a genuine appreciation in her raspy voice. The pegasus didn't know what she would have done, had she been outcasted, and her loyalty remained entrenched even more with the Grey, due to Ktu's words. "I've not seen Tio in the weeks since I have been pregnant...but I will keep you informed." She said as she moved to leave, unaware of Ktulu and Tio's meeting.


Won't you sing to me your poetry,
Won't you take me to your home,
Won't you be for me forever
So I'll never be alone

 HP: 45.5

Messages In This Thread
Gone Astray | Ktu, Open - by Phaedra - 02-05-2013, 06:31 PM
RE: Gone Astray | Ktu, Open - by Ktulu - 02-08-2013, 10:19 PM
RE: Gone Astray | Ktu, Open - by Phaedra - 02-09-2013, 02:39 PM
RE: Gone Astray | Ktu, Open - by Ktulu - 02-17-2013, 01:22 AM
RE: Gone Astray | Ktu, Open - by Phaedra - 02-17-2013, 01:40 PM
RE: Gone Astray | Ktu, Open - by Ktulu - 02-20-2013, 07:33 PM
RE: Gone Astray | Ktu, Open - by Phaedra - 02-20-2013, 09:49 PM

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