the Rift

What We See [Earth God|Tamira|Open]

Thor the Gentle Heart Posts: 379
Hidden Account atk: 4 | def: 7 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 17.3 :: 11 (TallSun) HP: 64.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Sabine :: Common Zephyr :: Roc Linds
His words soothed Thor as I knew they would. I guess I had been expecting some cryptic message about how the wind would guide him to some new reality or how his soul was like the water. I was still a bit skeptical as to what purpose these Gods were supposed to serve but it looked as if Thor had it down pat. I envied him for his certainty from time to time; it’s like he always had it together while I was running around with a bucket on my head. Even now they moved through the Edge like they had both seen every crevice in every wall and if this God was truly the God of the Earth, he certainly had a good way of showing it.

When Tamira appeared Thor seemed to climb about seven clouds from the original nine at the sight of her. He seemed happy enough despite her foul mood but of course all was forgotten once she laid her bright eyes on that God. Women these days, always interested in powerful people.

She was at his side in moments, purring like a kitten fresh from the womb and Thor couldn’t help but smile at her. Was it the first time she too had seen a God? I think I could agree with as much just from the looks of it. However, Thor was glad when the Earth God seemed to get right to the point of things, or really maybe I was glad that he got right to the point of things. I wasn’t one for small talk even if my dawdling creation seemed to be.

His face glowed at the mention of sweet Tamira and when he finally found the nerve to speak; his love for her seemed to color the tunes of their conversation. “She would be the one and only.” A nervous glance was passed between stallion and mare and I could see that Thor wondered what Tamira would think of his choice. He had come in order to learn how to heal her, but that’s what she wanted right? I couldn’t see her objecting because of that ugly little intrusion in the back of her mind, but maybe she’d grown partial to her “other half.” Though I couldn’t see how- but then again, Thor had been keeping a pretty hefty secret about Myriad.

I really hoped it wouldn’t blow up in his face, not here in front of the God of the Earth.
OOC| Love for the shitty post. <3

Messages In This Thread
What We See [Earth God|Tamira|Open] - by Thor - 02-09-2013, 12:05 AM
RE: What We See [Earth God|Tamira|Open] - by Thor - 02-24-2013, 12:46 AM
RE: What We See [Earth God|Tamira|Open] - by Thor - 03-05-2013, 02:37 PM
RE: What We See [Earth God|Tamira|Open] - by Thor - 03-14-2013, 08:29 PM

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