the Rift

[BASIN] A Frightening Encounter [Basin; Foothills]

Aurora Posts: N/A
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This new world was…so very different.
Aurora found her lungs burning in the crisp air. Around her rose old trees, their canopy far above shading the ground, allowing plants to thrive in their care.

So very unlike the home she just left. A tear trickled down her face as she thought about the expression in her mothers gray eyes, so much like her own, as she whispered those last words into Aurora’s ear.

Ilushia faluminu asteract realizeng cresdencado

Aurora didn’t know what those words meant. She just know that all of a sudden, gone was her world of ash and fire, and in it’s place a green forest stood.

The part that Aurora didn’t understand the most, was that trees had died out hundreds of years before. When the sun got too hot; scorching the ground.

Only a few creatures survived the intense heat; the utter desolation.

Aurora stepped lightly on the mossy ground, her hooves feeling the complete aliveness of the earth. Despite the amazing landscape, the green breeze that tickled through her long curly red mane, Aurora found her enjoyment tampered by her longing. Why couldn’t her mother have come as well? Would it have been so difficult to send them both to this utopia?

Noise sounded from beside her right hoof, emptying her mind of all but fear. Aurora leapt away.

A squirrel cocked it’s head at Aurora. It’s tiny frame was only about as high as her hock, his dark, beady eyes curious rather than frightening. It wasn’t quite sure what to make of this creature before him.

She was a petite, with a dished face, tiny hooves and an ocean of hair all around her. Yet above her innocent features, horns laced both sides of her head. Wicked razors tipped the tapered ends even as a disk of ebony sat in the middle.

Were there such creatures here in Helovia, the squirrel would swear that she has moose antlers.

Aurora was positively amazed by this little creature. A bushy tail waved behind it as it bounced up in it’s hind legs, it’s nose sniffing the air in her direction.

Completely enraptured, Aurora moved closer to the thing. All of the small creatures died out first when the sun got too hot, their small bodies unable to retain enough liquids.
Of course, as Aurora was still young, her mother told her. Warned her. Small animals never lasted in an environment as cruel as the one Aurora left behind. Despite her mothers warning however, Aurora was still small.

She never grew big and strong as her father…before he passed. She wasn’t even as tall as her mother, who stood stately at 15.3 hands. No, her height left much to be desired. But her horns made up for it. Or so her mother said…when she wasn’t ushering Aurora away from all manner of danger. So Aurora wasn’t all that inclined to believe that her horns made up for her small stature.

Aurora bent down down, and brought her muzzle close to the squirrels head. The squirrel chittered, the noise at once musical and obnoxious to Aurora’s ears. Enchanted, she bent in and inhaled his woodsy scent. The squirrel smacked at her, and, still enchanted but perhaps less inclined to get close, now that her muzzle stung, Aurora bent away.

Just as she did, the squirrel froze. His gaze was pinned just behind her shoulder. Then he lurched away, disappearing into the trees in an instant.

Aurora spun around, her heart pounding against her chest with a speed unmatched by any creature in the near vicinity.

After all, most has left by the time this new creature had approached.

"From Poison;
Hey you guys!
I'd love it if Aurora could join the Basin, because I kind of am plotting about her future; which involves getting her heart broken. (hello, epic-B.A to have a horsey out for revenge, no?) but it's not a sure thing, and I thought the Basin would be a fabulous place for her.

But, on another level, I would love it if she would belong to the foothills. So..yeah. I guess whoever posts huh?

Background | Horse | Horns | Manip

Messages In This Thread
A Frightening Encounter [Basin; Foothills] - by Aurora - 02-26-2013, 11:57 AM
RE: A Frightening Encounter [Basin; Foothills] - by Elizabeth - 02-26-2013, 04:27 PM

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