the Rift

A Fine Craft [Crowley]

Crowley Posts: 166
Outcast atk: 4.5 | def: 8.5 | dam: 5.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.2 :: 12 HP: 62.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Talbot :: Common Hellhound :: Acid & Name? :: Caracal :: None Dingo
for the pain and the sorrow caused by my mistakes
won't repent to a mortal whom is all to blame

Finally, a day of respite; no redundant trips to the Threshold, no missions of intrusions, and no herd meetings of any sort. It was a day that was entirely his, free to do as he pleased so long as luck remained on his side.

For once, Talbot seemed more tuckered than usual, dragging his feet along as they walked, surely exhausted from the previous day of play. It was admittedly difficult to render the hound tired, and so whenever it did happen, the stallion did his best to take advantage of it. Talbot was surely going through sprouts of growth as well, the culprit to his numerous naps taken throughout the day. Tired as he was, the pup had stayed curled up in the back of his and Crowley's small nook of a cave, unwilling to move and follow after the horned. So Crowley had left, certain that Talbot would be fine during his short absence.

His sights were set on the hot springs. The warmth of the steaming water would surely feel wonderous upon weary, exhausted bones that had grown all too used to the frigid cold that came with living in the Aurora Basin. He'd never felt drawn to them until now, and briefly, he wondered if there was a reason beyond what he could comprehend. Dismissing the thought, the stallion continued his brisk trot until he had made it to the edge of the balmy waters.

However, the pleasant thoughts of being alone for his soak were destroyed when his golden gaze caught the sight of a distantly familiar face. He stood silent for a moment, doing his best to conjure the name of the dappled stallion. He'd only met him face to face once, when he had stumbled across the lad in the middle of a most curious conquest; climbing a tree.

"Ah, Sin," he recalled at last, dipping his head in a respectful manner towards the disciple, "It has been a while. What brings you to the springs on this day?"

"blather blather blather"

Messages In This Thread
A Fine Craft [Crowley] - by Zikar-Sin - 02-25-2013, 09:10 PM
RE: A Fine Craft [Crowley] - by Crowley - 02-27-2013, 10:03 PM
RE: A Fine Craft [Crowley] - by Zikar-Sin - 03-09-2013, 02:07 AM
RE: A Fine Craft [Crowley] - by Crowley - 03-12-2013, 08:42 PM

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