the Rift

Invasion Round One :: Cluster Two

Aryel Posts: 229
Dragon's Throat Soldier
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.4 :: 4

Aryel had spaced out as she watched the defendants and aggressors take their positions. Now the two walls lunged forward across the plain in a rolling tide of horseflesh. She suppressed a shudder, hoping this would end quickly and decisively, with no lives lost.

She was startled from her thoughts as Kri rebuked her, and shook her head in an effort to dispel the feeling of dread. "N-no ma'am, I'm fine." Going back to the Throat in disgrace would be bad. Going back to the Throat in disgrace and letting her Commander down would be worse. Kri had trusted her with the rank of Sergeant, and the little blue mare was determined to uphold her trust. As Kri ordered them to flight, she turned to press another thought of Stay into Java's mind, then followed the brown mare into the fray, wings snapping open as the Throat warriors broke cover. With a few powerful flaps, she launched herself into the air over the battle. Already, horses had clashed and were fighting amongst eachother? Where was Midas? Where was Gaucho? She hoped the two of them were still up for the count.

It was a struggled to keep up with Kri, but Aryel was able to maintain following distance. She watched as Kri rocketed down towards a large grey, who retaliated by sending his enormous hind hooves bucking skyward, then positioned himself in front of another grey. Instead of following Kri with her hooves, she dipped and banked sharply to curve around the two stallions, coming in to a rough landing that sent up clods of dirt and grass. She turned to face the male that the first was protecting (strange, that. Didn't the smaller grey bear the scent of the mercenaries?), flapping her wings once before folding them. She dipped her head, shook her mane, and pawed the ground with one hoof. Although no words were exchanged, she hoped Argetlam would realize her intention, that she wished to fight him on equal ground, without the use of her wings. She owed them that much, at least.

Magic: 0/4
Summary: Aryel follows Kri, then curves sharply to land behind Argetlam and Peixos. She paws the ground and watches Argetlam, indicating she wishes to fight him on the ground.

Is Argetlam the only Foothills horse in our cluster? Poor guy :p

Walk walk walk walk.
"Talk talk talk talk."

In blood and honor, we will prevail.</style>

image by gpabill @
Thanks for the good times, and no hard feelings for the bad times.

Vicer and Aryel's new threads never happened.

Messages In This Thread
Invasion Round One :: Cluster Two - by Official - 02-27-2013, 07:52 PM
RE: Invasion Round One :: Cluster Two - by Kri - 02-27-2013, 08:36 PM
RE: Invasion Round One :: Cluster Two - by Aryel - 02-28-2013, 06:44 PM
RE: Invasion Round One :: Cluster Two - by Peixos - 03-01-2013, 09:37 PM

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