the Rift

Golden Girl in a White-Out World, Open

Athena2 Posts: 48
Dragon's Throat Pupil
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15.1hh :: 4 Years 8 Months

Surrounding her is a sea of bloodless cold, and yet she does not seek out the springs. She is a dweller of the warmth, and yet she continues to keep herself in the cold. It is her punishment, for being unable to escape. It keeps her from the emotions she does not want to accept, or even acknowledge. There are things inside her that she does not understand, for the Basin is changing her in a way that is terrifying for her to experience. So she runs from them, afraid that her nature was being twisted and destroyed in front of her eyes. Even being unable to return to her Goddess was not something that was as terrible as that. She would give up any magic if only she could remain true to herself.

Lost in thought, Athena- Ari, your name is Ari- did not notice the appearance of the delicate creature that came flying towards her for a few moments. When she did, confusion followed the small smile on her face at its appearance. How could such a fragile being live in the frost infested land of the Aurora Basin? But she smiled anyways, for the butterfly was a beautiful splash of color in the desolate landscape. As it flew off away from her muzzle she sighed softly, only for her warm hazel eyes to widen at the sight of it landing within the snow and changing, morphing into the shape of a horse. A pegasus she knew at that. Lana, her mind reminded her. The woman she had carefully helped through a nightmare with the help of Note. Ari felt as if she'd been kicked in the chest, and moved quickly forward to brush muzzles with her fellow Throat member. Neither of them smelled of the desert any longer, but her face was such a comfort. It seemed that it had been years since she had gotten down on her knees to croon to Lana, telling her everything would be okay. It mattered not that they were not the best of friends, having somebody she at least knew the name of was enough. A shaky breath escaped her, showing how shaken and relieved she was to see the young woman. "Lana! Oh Goddess it is so good to see you, little one," she breathed, checking her over for injuries that only the trained eyes of her medic status could see. The wings were foreign to her, but even she could see that they were not in the best of condition and she made a soft noise of sympathy and outrage at seeing Lana in such a dilapidated state. But nevertheless she flinched at the use of her real name and quickly shushed her. "Hush now Lana, my name has not reached their ears. I am Ari here, understand?" Voice soft and kind, eyes showing the love that seemed to be laced all throughout her insides. Keeping herself hushed so that the words she spoke would only touch the ears of her old herdmate. She had learned quickly that even the snow had ears within the Basin. Athena did not speak of her status as a slave, not wanting to sadden their reunion so soon.

The approach of another was not immediately taken note of, due to his coloring. However eventually, though far later than she normally detected others, Athena realized the movement was not that of the snow and turned warm hazel irises to lock onto his form. She did not know him, had never encountered him, and yet his form spoke of position above even Crowley. It reminded her eerily of Psyche, which made her insides turn and face wilt into a small hint of fear. Yet his approach was with curiosity and care, as if he sensed that he could very well frighten the two that were hornless. Even so she lowered her head slightly, her mottled brown eyes focusing just below his eyes. If he held such power, she would trust more in acting her part as a slave than in his kindness. Even so she positioned herself to stand between the approaching stallion and Lana. It was a slow, deliberate movement that she was not reluctant to make. If he did mean harm, she wanted the youngling to be safe, or have the time to flee. But she kept herself loose and unassuming, not wanting to appear violent. Best not to be killed, she didn't know if the stallion was acting. Lana was taller, and Athena could not shield her from view, but it was the least she could do. His soft voice spoke, almost inviting, and Athena's face crumpled as if she were about to cry. It had been so long since she had heard a kind voice, and she had only heard Lana just seconds ago. It made her feel as if she had been kicked in the stomach, reminding her that she may never be spoken to like that again if she could not escape. Cautiously her eyes met his and flickered back down to his muzzle. "We...we are your slaves, sir. I am Miss Faelene's, Ari. We aren't trying to cause trouble sir..." Softly she spoke, though she had always been one to have such a tone. Placating, hoping not to anger him, but also embracing him with the reciprocated warmth of her syllables. He had greeted her kindly, and she could not deny her ingrained gentle nature. Maybe he would not be like the others, she found herself thinking almost desperately. With that a small, slightly wary smile came to her face, an invitation.

  Have to stand up to be stronger</style>

image by seyyed_mostafa_zamani @

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RE: Golden Girl in a White-Out World, Open - by Lana - 02-23-2013, 05:11 AM
RE: Golden Girl in a White-Out World, Open - by Lana - 03-03-2013, 03:21 PM
RE: Golden Girl in a White-Out World, Open - by Lana - 03-17-2013, 11:59 AM

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