the Rift

The beginning of the End [Evangeline] {moved}

Evangeline Posts: N/A
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Thundering hooves made Evangeline lift her head and look in the direction the sound was coming from. Aylin stayed glued to her side, shaking more now that she, too, heard the other horse coming. A cry from overhead told her that Tallis was close by and soon the dragon landed upon her back. His scaly lips were peeled back and he bared his teeth at the dog that had lunged at his bonded. Eva felt more comfort in knowing that her dragon sat on her back, ready and willing to defend her.

"You! Evangeline-"

The mare finally looked at the stallion and could only stare. Despite the scars she knew exactly who he was. "Ricochet.." How long had it been since she'd last seen him? It had been on the night he'd come to her after the shadows had taken his father. After that he seemed to disappear from her Woodlands altogether. She'd hardly even heard word of him. But now here he was, scarred but alive, standing before her and her daughter. Her unicorn daughter. She remembered how much he hated them and so she shifted her weight to better block her.

"It's been a long time, Rico." She murmured. Too long, honestly. She had missed him, but had come to accept the fact that he was just another one of those that had come into her life only to disappear and abandon her. Perhaps if he had stuck around she would have ended up loving him as more than just a good friend, but he hadn't.

"I'm glad you made it out." She started to reach her muzzle out to touch him then stopped. He was probably angry with her and hurt that she would have a unicorn child. She sighed closed her eyes. "I was worried about you."

autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower

Messages In This Thread
RE: The beginning of the End [Evangeline] {moved} - by Evangeline - 06-05-2012, 07:32 AM
RE: The beginning of the End [Evangeline] {moved} - by Evangeline - 06-07-2012, 07:11 AM
RE: The beginning of the End [Evangeline] {moved} - by Evangeline - 06-19-2012, 08:20 AM

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