the Rift

[complete] A Step Toward Responsibility [Kri]

Vikram Posts: 73
World's Edge Skilled Protector
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 19 hh :: 9 years Buff: NOVICE
An ear twitched, the smallest sign of the surprise he felt when the force of impact ricocheted Kri farther away from his body than he'd expected. So it was no surprise that his attempt to trip her up further failed. But he respected her calm and intentional facade, taking the incident into stride with barely a hint of dignity scratched.

Yet there was a whisper of inconvenience in the rapid ascent she made, straining to reach clear air before her body could collide with the obstacle that was his tail and its sharp-edged tip. An ear swivelled, displaying small confusion at the unusual amount of air rushing past his body as her wings beat. How could someone so small displace so much air? One feathered wing thwaped against his haunch, impact softened by the very feathers that lent her the ability of flight. It wasn't painful, more distracting than anything else, there and gone so quickly he didn't have time to react to it before twinned impacts slammed against his tail. Again, dampened. This time by the fact that she was rising away from the impact even as it landed, yet this one wrought a wince of pain as his tail swayed away from her hooves. He would bruise, but they would be small and insignificant in the long run.

Golden eyes watched her now, flying ever upward and away. His tail swayed restlessly as he recognized that she would not close with him again anytime soon from the ground. He could wait for her, save his energy and essentially be a sitting target for any passing, swooping blows. Or he could go after her, and hope she would not out-manuever him too badly in the sky. A rumble vibrated in his chest, nares flaring in a snort that was accompanied by twinned plumes of smoke. The hell with it.

He surged into motion, the feigned bad injury proven small as his leg easily bore his weight as he shifted into a walk, then a trot, then a rolling canter. The rumble that had droned within his chest was drowned out by the rumble of his massive hooves against the ground as he followed after Kri. Leathery wings spread, rose, then swept powerfully down as he lunged from the clifftop. Briefly he rose, sank, then rose again as another wingbeat drove against the air in deviance of gravity trying to drag him down to the roaring surf dozens of feets below. Another thought was spared as he climbed after Kri, wondering about the unusual air currents that had flowed about her as she'd become airborne so close beside him just moments earlier. So strange, yet he had no explanation for it.

At last he grew close to her again, and strained for greater altitude. Logically his greater wings and the air they displaced would disturb her flight, but he wasn't going to rely on such small things in this spar. He angled after her, forehooves reaching to strike against her haunches. It had occurred him to strike for back or wings, but driving the Resolute out of the sky so dramatically was not what he wanted to do. It would not sit well to cripple or kill the leader of his herd's greatest ally, when all he wished to do was test his mettle against her. It was the same reason he didn't direct his fire breathing against her wings, though such a strike would be so easy. Easy wasn't the point.

(( 582 words, 2/4, 0/2 magic ))

Messages In This Thread
RE: A Step Toward Responsibility [Kri] - by Kri - 02-13-2013, 12:02 PM
RE: A Step Toward Responsibility [Kri] - by Kri - 02-21-2013, 08:21 PM
RE: A Step Toward Responsibility [Kri] - by Vikram - 03-11-2013, 03:16 PM
RE: A Step Toward Responsibility [Kri] - by Kri - 03-15-2013, 11:52 PM
RE: A Step Toward Responsibility [Kri] - by Kri - 04-05-2013, 01:43 AM
RE: A Step Toward Responsibility [Kri] - by Kri - 04-24-2013, 04:19 PM

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