the Rift

Orange County

Ink Posts: 121
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Equine :: 16.2 hh :: 6 years

Far too vague and clues requiring too much behind the scenes knowledge to figure out.

Title: Orange County is referred to as the "O.C". As with my last stealth, if you look at the numerical values of "O" and "C" in the alphabet, you will get 15.3 - which is Demetrie's height.
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FAIL -- In your other stealth where you did a similar clue, I would have failed that one too, because in both cases but particularly this one, nowhere in your clue do you talk about numbers or alphabets, so I have no reason to suddenly be counting numbers with letters. Sure this makes tons of sense once revealed, but it is basically unsolveable without any sort of guide telling me what to do with the letters.

Danny or Stalin
Interpretation #1 - Danny and Stalin are both male names. As was referenced the last time someone tried to steal Demetrie, it is in fact a boy's name (This will come up as one of the first google results, if you search for Demetrie)
Interpretation #2 - "Danny" or Daniel Rand-K'ai is a comic book character known as the "Iron Fist" - Stalin, in being a dictator, was often referred to as having ruled with an "Iron fist". In Demetrie's profile, it states, Demetrie is an iron fist .
Interpretation #3 - Stalin is a russian name, as is Demetrie (Dmitri).
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FAIL -- Danny is such a common name it's so difficult to google for anything worthwhile from it. Stalin being russian would have been an okay clue if Demetrie himself was russian or a russian name, but just saying that the character's name is also russian, I cannot connect those clues without this reveal. The argument they are both male names was mildly pass-able, but ultimately didn't do it for me because this clue did not suggest it had to do with gender, and as Elope said, since the character is a girl this makes no sense and is a misdirect.

Barbie and Finland
Interpretation #1 - Demetrie is a little girl (A yearling, who is almost 2). And what do little girl's play with, if we're led to believe gender roles? Barbies.
Interpretation #2 - The colour typically associate with Barbie is Pink. The colours in Finland's flag are blue and white. Demetrie is described as being White with Blue Markings (blaze and horns), with pink around her nose.
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FAIL -- again great clues when revealed, although these were your weakest in my opinion, being stretched a bit, but by themselves I would not make these connections. Barbie again suggests to me something about barbies themselves, not just a girl's plaything, something more generic like doll or lace or let's play house or something would have all better pointed me towards thinking of girls toys, but barbie was so specific I wanted to think about barbie in-depth, not big picture. The flag colors would have been a good clue, but I'm not sure how it's associated with pink and barbie and the 'and' in the clue makes me look for similarities between barbie and finland. Also finland is such a broad clue it could mean so much, that there needed to be more direction towards the flag/colors.
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Magic or force permitted any time, aside from death.

Messages In This Thread
Orange County - by Phaedra - 03-26-2013, 02:03 PM
RE: Orange County - by Psyche - 03-26-2013, 02:39 PM
RE: Orange County - by Phaedra - 03-26-2013, 02:45 PM
RE: Orange County - by Odd - 03-28-2013, 03:49 PM
RE: Orange County - by Jasiri - 03-28-2013, 05:29 PM
RE: Orange County - by Ink - 03-28-2013, 05:45 PM
RE: Orange County - by Mirage - 03-28-2013, 08:01 PM

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