the Rift

[OPEN] .:of kings and queens and dying things:.

Leyra Posts: 88
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15.3 hh :: 3 years
The mare's delicate steps made an almost silent noise as she tread back towards the Basin. She had been drifting around the border earlier when she had seen a few Basin members attacking another Basin member. It was not the first time this had happened... for it had happened to her. Shivering at the memories, the mare shook her skull and pushed the thoughts and horrid memories away. She didn't want to think about it... she barely looked at herself anymore, the way the memories flooded over her at the sight of a scar upon her blue roan body.

Despite all that had happened to her, she returned. She had returned home, she couldn't leave forever. Even if she had been tortured by a few of the Basin unicorns, she had come back. Walking silently and alone, the mare's thoughts were on why Mauja and the others were attacking that one mare. That mare was from the Basin. The Basin. Why would Mauja allow them to attack comrades? Why would Mauja himself attack comrades? The thought was horrifying, and startling as well. The blue roan pushed the thoughts further back, concentrating on the scenery instead. Jagged mountains rose high above her, casting shadows upon the snow-covered ground. Dark caves spotted the mountainside, and snow topped the very points.

The mare's roan figure stuck out against the white snow, and her ice blue eyes glinted in the light. The sun was jut beginning to dip down behind the mountains, bleeding a crimson red. Cloven hooves strike rock as the mare steps forward, her icy orbs settling upon the bloody sun. Exhaling, the mare swung her head to look behind her. Shaking her head gently, she continued walking. A gentle breeze caressed her black locks for a moment before gently placing them back upon her muscular shoulders. Lion tail lashed behind her before dragging upon the ground. With a careful pace the mare walked up to a ledge on the side of one of the small mountains. Like an eagle scanning for prey, she looked down upon the Basin and gave a loud neigh. She allowed herself to balance on hind legs and let her forelegs flail about. Placing all four legs back onto the snowy floor, the mare stood and gazed down upon the ground while the sun slid down below her.

While she stood there, the mare's thoughts wandered further into her torture. She remembered each detail, the pain, the tears, and the blood. She had fled when she could've ran, she fled when she could've fought. She despised herself for it, the way she had fled like a coward. Shifting her gaze to the small speckles in the sky, the mare watched the black birds fly, swooping, diving, and spiraling downward. It was only then she realized one of the birds was staying back, spiraling slower than the others. They seemed to ignore it, leaving it on it's own. The way it called out, it sounded rejected and hurt. The way I feel... The mare's voice rang through her pearl white skull, bouncing off the solid walls.

But things have changed. The mare was different now. She had hatred coursing through her bodies, hatred of the hornless. Hatred of those who had attacked her. She was a body filled with hatred, and nothing more. And she was determined to prove that she hated the hornless. But what would Mauja think? The question rolled inside her mind, appearing to be taunting her. She snorted, trying to push it away. Who cares what Mauja thought? Staring at the sky and pushing away any of her thoughts, the mare watched as the stars rose high into the sky, twinkling far above her regal head.

[[This post went absolutely no where. :P]]

queen of crimson ice, so delicate
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much,
And my scars remind us the past is real
I tear my heart open, just to feel

[Image: 2jewqqh.jpg]

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.:of kings and queens and dying things:. - by Leyra - 03-30-2013, 09:39 AM

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