the Rift

~welcome back to the real world~ ( open)

Jack Posts: N/A
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Dead men don't tell tales
Captain’s Log: Entry 4

Today after the meeting of the Pirates, I decide to start my role as second mate, or Swashbuckler. I was heading to the Threshold, as much as I loathed it, but I was determined to recruit. Swashbuckler Jack away!

It was daybreak, the hot sun rising, and I felt it wasn’t so hot as it was the other days. The season had changed, from what I was told and could tell, and the sun shone with less intensity on this cooling day. My flaxen skin stretched across my bones as my pistons took my Morgan body up. I shook himself of sand, my bandana hanging slightly from my tired head. My nostrils huffed, and used a rock nearby to fix it. His earrings jangled, and he moved his blonde hair out of his eyes.

Golden hooves pressed against golden grain, and I drug himself away from the current, and only, mate I had. I looked back at her sparkling waves, washing white foam on the shore, making the sand wet and taking some of it back with her. I sighed, but continued with his mission. I wanted to be alone anyways. Although I very much respected the captain, him and his lass were making me seasick. I hadn’t had a true mate before, and the ocean was my harsh mistress. Sometimes I yearned for a real one, but that was still far off and beyond. Pirates had plenty of time, and who knew, maybe I would find one in the Threshold waiting for him.

I trotted along, singing an old pirate song, per usual of myself. Sun started to disappear, covered by clouds as I kept running, and I started to form a slight sweat, but it wasn’t too bad. However, it started to rain, the ground quickly turned into a brown quicksand. This didn’t faze me, and at least I was by water, so I wasn’t in that bad of a mood. I stopped, finally reaching the ever always-green forest that I didn’t like, but was necessary for me to be in. I looked around, and found someone, actually two horses. One was a male, the other a lass, both a normal horse like myself, but the male was with scattered coloring. He was under a tree, hiding from the rain. The mare stood next to me, and she called to him. I looked and called to him as well.

“Aye mate, why you hiding in the shade of thee tree? The water is cool, refreshing. Tell me, what’s your name lad, and why are ye all alone out here in this weather?”

walk walk walk
"Talk talk talk".

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Messages In This Thread
~welcome back to the real world~ ( open) - by Castiel - 04-01-2013, 11:34 AM
RE: ~welcome back to the real world~ ( open) - by Naeatii - 04-01-2013, 01:44 PM
RE: ~welcome back to the real world~ ( open) - by Jack - 04-01-2013, 01:49 PM
RE: ~welcome back to the real world~ ( open) - by Castiel - 04-01-2013, 02:26 PM
RE: ~welcome back to the real world~ ( open) - by Cosette - 04-02-2013, 01:04 AM

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