the Rift

[BASIN] Heaven or Hell [closed | finished]

Zdravilo Posts: N/A
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[Image: 515cd78c46051]

The fight between the racism, and equality in me has begun.

The pale femme stood idly for a moment. Her audibles were content and recently slanted back. Her curved withers stood shorter than the stallion, but her shoulders sloped softly with slightly accented muscles, his however, were defined and large. She certainly didn't want to get gargantuan with muscles. She was a delicate and petite form. Durable, yet she had a feminine look. Her gold spots seemed to all be in the prefect spot and have the same lush value. White lashes blink as her orbs flick back and forth between the two. Descaro spoke first with a persuasive chord.

"North, in the snowy regions of the mountains is a hidden herd called the Aurora Basin. You would be welcomed with respect and treated well, we look after our own apart from those who betray us." Well that had sounded indeed interesting, but the last part brought her curiosity high. Her velvet rose lips parted as a few words decided to reply to Descaro. "Well, that does sound very indeed nice..." She said in a soft tone, almost inaudible. "Now, tell me. How did they betray you?" Now would be the first step of her becoming racism. Many horses would lie above and beyond at that to get her racist, but would he? Her nearly faded smile reappeared with vigor when he said his last statement. Immediately, her attention was torn from the mellowness of his suave voice to the brute's. She had a different approach... Much different.

"I think I would like you to follow you, both, to you home." Her response seemed so desperately needed from the appaloosa. Her hoof re-balanced and lay flatly and no longer on its tip. "Is it far?" She looked down the thin path. Questions re-entered her brain. Since the path was thin, who would lead? Would they squish next to each other and both lead? Would they speak, walk, trot, canter gallop?

Zdravilo is a special mare. She has never been 'tamed' by a stallion. Never impregnated, never broken. She knows things... a lot of things, and she knows that with some horses, they love her, but she becomes this idolized horse that is unattainable. She'd want to be the healer or medic... whatever the Basin horses called it. She'd want that spot for she wouldn't be so unreachable. Have a little cut? No problem. Just see the medic. It was also fun and joyous to carry that spot, but then again, it was most likely filled.

"Thinking. Speaking. Acting."

[Image: 515cda7543e45]
Table Header/Footer credits go to baylee.

Messages In This Thread
Heaven or Hell [closed | finished] - by Zdravilo - 04-02-2013, 05:27 PM
RE: Heaven or Hell - by Descaro - 04-02-2013, 06:03 PM
RE: Heaven or Hell - by Leyra - 04-02-2013, 06:11 PM
RE: Heaven or Hell - by Zdravilo - 04-02-2013, 06:47 PM
RE: Heaven or Hell - by Descaro - 04-03-2013, 04:51 PM
RE: Heaven or Hell - by Leyra - 04-03-2013, 07:05 PM
RE: Heaven or Hell - by Zdravilo - 04-03-2013, 09:39 PM
RE: Heaven or Hell - by Descaro - 04-05-2013, 06:09 AM

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