the Rift

Swing the Sword; Once Again [moved/Brooke]

Brooke Posts: N/A
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the envious snake

It was all real. "I'm ready." His teeth clipped her shoulder gently as her ears flicked forward. The metal snakes catching the sun. For once she wasn't lying to break a heart, for once she wasn't being a snake to get what she wanted. This was true. True all around.

As he galloped ahead of her she locked her legs. He turned and reared. Brooke's face excitedly brightened. Whipping her neck around in a fashion of 'lets go' she took off into a high speed chase after him. A warm neigh rumbling from her gentle throat.

The wind caught her long wavy mane as she ran, it looked too pretty for her. Her tail blew behind her in a storm. Dragging the grass behind her into pieces. Her enormous hooves like a thunder to the ground. As she met closer to him she slowed waiting for him to take the lead. From now on she was his. She would always be his. Something changed in her, something bright filled the snake-ish holes in her heart.

"Where too darlin?" she said cutely. A mischeivous smile smirking across her face.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Swing the Sword; Once Again [moved/Brooke] - by Brooke - 06-05-2012, 12:02 AM
RE: Swing the Sword; Once Again [moved/Brooke] - by Brooke - 06-06-2012, 03:42 PM
RE: Swing the Sword; Once Again [moved/Brooke] - by Shirah - 06-13-2012, 04:00 PM

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