the Rift

Elegance Remains [Open]

Cythraul Posts: N/A
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Cythraul looked at her, suddenly amused. "My time of mourning is not yet done, m'lady, though, if you would like to leave, I shan't stop you. My problem is that I have not laid to rest my anguish, and the bloodbath that took place haunts my dreams." He listened to her snappy words, and a smile spread over his features, the first true smile he'd had since meeting Arrane and Brisa. "Aye, they're an ignorant lot." Stepping off Cameria's grave, the blood bay stallion watched her movements, dark eyes curious.

Speaking again, in response to her last question, he said, "I belong to none. I answer to none. I follow my heart and to hell with those who would chain me. Nothing against the herds, of course, but that was never the life for me. Of course, a family would be nice, or some sort of companionship." He shrugged and looked away, giving voice to a soft sigh. "Then again, I had a family once. A mate, who carried my foal within her... They were murdered. Life is twisted and cruel a lot of the time... I was never meant to be truly happy, I suppose." His voice was the barest of whispers, and he meant every last word.

When tears threatened, he pushed them back, hot anger flooding him. She will not see my anguish as tears! His thought was fierce and angry, though cold. He didn't let himself show the extent of his pain to others, nor did he ever, ever cry in front of them. Well-- there had been the time he'd woken screaming when in the company of Arrane and Brisa, and he'd hated the looks of pity on their faces as he'd sunk back into slumber, barely able to force himself to go to sleep.

Black eyes grew colder and colder as he thought of the stallions that had torn his world to pieces. He trotted off toward the stream, and when he saw his reflection in it, he saw the reflection of his mate's face next to his, her eyes piercing him and a soft smile on her maw. Let me go, Cythraul. Let me rest in peace. He could hear her voice as if she was truly next to him, speaking to him. He knew, though, that it was his heart speaking, telling him it was time to let go and move on. He let out a shuddering sigh, drank from the stream, and went back over to Adelaide, his sorrow easing. You will always have a huge piece of my heart... and you will always be my first love. He thought to Cameria, closing his eyes briefly.

When he opened them, peace eased into his heart and soothed his ravaged soul, allowing him to look upon the mare with not pain in his eyes, but acceptance. Cameria wasn't truly gone... but she wasn't with him, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. He had fulfilled his vow to her. He had come to terms with her death, finally, and could now move on with his life. Morbid amusement flickered through him-- he'd always said thirteen was his lucky number. Apparently that was the number that would release him from his pains. He wondered if that meant he'd die at thirteen years of age, and he hoped not.

He gave a timid, gentle smile to the mare, and noticed for the first time that she was quite beautiful-- though he was quite sure she wasn't interested in him. Perhaps they could be friends? That would be enough for him. He was barely beginning to allow the peace he'd found seep into his soul-- he wasn't going to gallop off with a new mare he barely knew and forget about Cameria. What kind of a mate would he have been, to do that so recently after her demise? Not a very good one, that's for sure.

Messages In This Thread
Elegance Remains [Open] - by Adalaide - 04-04-2013, 11:01 PM
RE: Elegance Remains [Open] - by Cythraul - 04-05-2013, 01:07 PM
RE: Elegance Remains [Open] - by Adalaide - 04-05-2013, 09:31 PM
RE: Elegance Remains [Open] - by Cythraul - 04-06-2013, 11:59 PM
RE: Elegance Remains [Open] - by Adalaide - 04-07-2013, 06:35 PM
RE: Elegance Remains [Open] - by Cythraul - 04-08-2013, 08:25 PM
RE: Elegance Remains [Open] - by Adalaide - 04-10-2013, 10:53 PM
RE: Elegance Remains [Open] - by Cythraul - 04-16-2013, 04:47 PM

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