the Rift

Well Hello, Darling. [any]

Pantomime Posts: N/A
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[Image: 51634fc7becaa]

Ivory was a symphony with the ebonite that contrasted so well. Beige hooves carried the paint around the forest. His wings folded neatly on his back. He is a thing with feathers. He perches upon the mares, and sings the tune without the words, never stopping at all. With his eyes that have forgotten how to see things already too well-known. With that, he stopped his walk and looked around. Trees with dark bark and soared high to the sun. He was a noble creature. His head held high, his curly locks reaching past his neck. Even his eyes bore into the category of beauty. He knew in many places there were the smart, the brave, and the strong. He almost fit into all of those, but mainly his own category... The deceptive.

After standing for a moment, he unfurled his wings. Just barely enough to open them half way. Instead of going outwards, he went up. His wings reaching high. Furling back in as his ears picked up on the far away sound of hooves beating on the ground. Intrigued, he walked to wards the sound. He curved around a few trees and snapped a few twigs in the process.

Well I'll be damned. It's a horse. Nothing new around here.. was there? Nope... just tees, dirt, horses. Was there no flare anywhere? Pantomime had yet to learn about magic, gods, curses, and revenge that thrived in parts of Helovia. Everything seemed to know today would be important for him. That is, everybody, but him.

Seeing a horse there, his suave voice kicked in. "Hello there." His voice almost too sweet and accepting.

"Speaking. Thinking. Acting."

Radioactive by Imagine Dragons on Grooveshark


Messages In This Thread
Well Hello, Darling. [any] - by Pantomime - 04-08-2013, 09:08 PM
RE: Well Hello, Darling. [any] - by Jack - 04-08-2013, 11:04 PM
RE: Well Hello, Darling. [any] - by Africa - 04-08-2013, 11:43 PM
RE: Well Hello, Darling. [any] - by Naeatii - 04-10-2013, 01:00 PM

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