the Rift

[OPEN] Lost in the Mist of Time [Nyx/Sunny]

Nyx Posts: N/A
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A dark fog surrounded the thick trees rising up above the moist ground. It seemed that there was nothing bright about it here. Everything was dark. Dark greens. Dark browns. The place had a sinister feel to it. A black mare walked delicately underneath the tree's shadow, her coat making her almost invisible. Her ears were pricked catching every noise, and she held her head high. There wasn't a sound to be heard except the pounding of her own heart, and the soft thud of her grey hooves on the ground. There was a single breeze to rustle the leaves. The air was moist and muggy. Trees surrounded her on both sides. Branches stuck out, looking as if they were going to grab her. She was getting lonely, after wandering all by herself all these moons. She was missing someone to talk to. All the thoughts swirling around in her mind. No one to tell them to. But she knew she wouldn't find anyone out here. It was too quiet.

She delved deeper into the forest. Suddenly she stopped, and her eyes widened with surprise. There was a stallion up ahead of her! He was in front of a clear pool looking up at a tall fir tree. As she got closer, she saw he was a black and white tovero. He was so tall! He looked to be at least 17 hands. She walked up to him quietly, not wanting to startle him. She nickered softly.
"Hello there. " she said kindly to him. "My name is Nyx. Are you from around here?" She flicked her tail nervously, as she waited for a response. She hoped she wasn't being rude.

OOC: sorry for such a short post, but it'll get better :)

Messages In This Thread
Lost in the Mist of Time [Nyx/Sunny] - by Lythe - 04-14-2013, 04:38 PM
RE: Lost in the Mist of Time [Nyx/Sunny] - by Nyx - 04-14-2013, 07:32 PM
RE: Lost in the Mist of Time [Nyx/Sunny] - by Lythe - 04-15-2013, 09:45 PM
RE: Lost in the Mist of Time [Nyx/Sunny] - by Lythe - 04-20-2013, 09:38 PM
RE: Lost in the Mist of Time [Nyx/Sunny] - by Nyx - 04-16-2013, 04:27 AM

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