the Rift

Night Watchmen [Moon Boy, Prisoner]

Moon Boy Posts: N/A
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it had taken the bard like creature most of the day and night to travel and reach the borders of Dragons throat. the blistering solstar was an aggressive foe and one not to be meddled with when water seemed to be so lacking. even in the shadow of the the moon, there was little respite from the sweltering temperatures. as he crossed over into the the invisible line that marked off the area, his pristine and sharp eyes took notice that even though things were starting to take a slightly more brown tint it was still somewhat thriving in the Sun God's anger. as the two toned dancer eased farther into the oasis, his nose wrinkled as much at the sight of the creatures floating about on the top of the water, as the smell of their bloated rotting bodies. he found it repulsive; so, he made a mental note to never drink a drop of water from this place. his luck getting a simple drink of water would turn into bobbing for bodies. the very thought made a shudder run down the length of his spine.

Moon boy pulled his thoughts from the surrounding decay probably caused by the vengeful, childish god of the sun, to his recent predicament. someone dare steal him away and try to hold him prisoner?! it will be a sad day for someone for he will always stay a free bachelor or at least that is what he thought. he was a traveler and entertainer by nature, finding joy in the playful mischief he caused and on occasion the odd look his riddles produce on peoples face. An now some entity decided to take it upon themselves to try and capture the gypsy? Sigh, this would not work. he is far to free spirited to stay chained. shadowed eyes crept toward the blanketed sky, catching sight of some type of bird of pray circling over head. swishing his tail, he picked up speed to a nice trot and kept his eyes peeled for his captor.

even though his mind whirled with the very idea of being in one place for two long, the two had talked about this in private. setting up their plans so that is would seem inconspicuous; however, now that the time has come Moon Boy could feel the pressure and weight of his decision. The very act of being stolen did not settle with him, and the fact he was unsure of Xira made him a very untrusting partner. But it was made clear that know one should know about their talk so curiosity got the best of him and he decided to play into this little scene that was to be put on. an now he felt trapped.

there is genius in madness.

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Messages In This Thread
Night Watchmen [Moon Boy, Prisoner] - by Xira - 07-30-2012, 11:18 PM
RE: Night Watchmen [Moon Boy, Prisoner] - by Moon Boy - 08-03-2012, 10:41 AM
RE: Night Watchmen [Moon Boy, Prisoner] - by Xira - 08-04-2012, 10:38 PM

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