the Rift

[FINISHED] All I've Got Is Insane

Voodoo Posts: 231
Outcast atk: 7.5 | def: 10 | dam: 2.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.2 :: Eight :: Birdsong HP: 61.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Ouija :: Arctic Fox :: None Nevada

[Image: w2oojd.png]
i push my fingers into my eyes
it's the only thing that slowly stops the ache

The wind shifted a few degrees, carrying with it the new and unexpected scent of a nearby body. If it could, the hair would have risen all the way up my spine like a demonic Halloween cat. The near silent chuckle that emerged from the woods struck his brain hard, sending a hard pulse through his body. Ears flicked toward the source of the sound just as a large black mare emerged from the darker wooded region. Her body was cloaked with two extra appendages that hung from her sides. The image of manic winged brute flashed through my scrambled brain, sending me into a confused anger.

The female neared me, drawing in closer and closer with her wings cocked as if I were going to jump forward and rip her fucking throat out. If I were in any worse of a mood, I suppose I could. This bitch didn't know any better though. The gods wouldn't be very happy if I were to unleash on an innocent bystander. Just as I had made these simple assumptions, she began to ramble. She repeated a word that I hadn't even actually been paying attention to, but apparently it meant something to her at the moment. She was close enough for me to see the red patterns displayed across her body. "Tribal markings" was the first thing that popped into my brain, my conscience spitting the words at me as if I were an idiot.

A heavy smell hung on her dark coat, but what it was I really couldn't decipher. What did it matter anyway? This mare was either bonkers or just an odd bitch. I parted my red splattered jaw in hopes to get a word in, possibly to insult her babbling mouth, before she once again spoke. She wanted my name, and if I was wandering around, lost? I can't keep up with her strange pronunciation of words. Did she have some other mental deficiency that I could not see so far? "Voodoo." My voice was rough for my age, thick and raspy as if I had a chest cold, but without the cracking.

Hopfully she wouldn't stand around for too long and just bother me. This female seemed more irritating than anything, surely no one would want to be trapped in a land with her. The gods even knew where she came from, besides the fact that she was a pegasus. That alone was enough for me to steer clear of this fucked up draft. Red tipped ears rotated back, finding anything that could have been around once again. The sun kept slowly engulfing the partially cloudy sky.

[Image: 5389e9aca8b63]
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Messages In This Thread
[FINISHED] All I've Got Is Insane - by Voodoo - 04-25-2013, 07:38 PM
RE: All I've Got Is Insane [OPEN] - by Chemical - 04-25-2013, 11:10 PM
RE: All I've Got Is Insane [OPEN] - by Voodoo - 04-26-2013, 01:39 AM
RE: All I've Got Is Insane [OPEN] - by Descaro - 04-26-2013, 08:47 AM
RE: All I've Got Is Insane [OPEN] - by Chemical - 04-27-2013, 11:52 AM

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