the Rift

[OPEN] The Place Where The Corpses Dance [Open]

Murdock Posts: 198
Outcast atk: 9 | def: 10.5 | dam: 2.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.2hh :: 8 HP: 61.5 | Buff: ENDURE


After the young mare he had met on the Steppe had pointed him in the direction of warmer territory, Murdock had wasted no time in making his way south. He was well aware he had destroyed the mare's good mood in the time he had spent with her; it did nothing to dirty up his conscience but perhaps even raised his spirits in the slightest. Was it wrong of him to take pleasure in such tyranny? He didn't think so, but then after all the misery he had to go through he figured it was only fair that someone else experience the hell he was dealing with. No one cared for him and his personal 'storm cloud', though it was beyond his knowledge that his loneliness was entirely of his doing.

Thick mist swirled around his chest now as he made his way further into the depths of the forest, intent on putting as much distance as possible between himself and the winter 'wonderland' he had left behind. His feet ached from walking but he ignored the weary pleas of his aching muscles and shook off his mind's desire to rest. The bitter chill of late Orangemoon seeped through his skin to the marrow of his bones, and he felt the only way to shake the cold was to keep on moving.

Thin fragments of sunlight broke through the canopy like golden rays of Holy intent, piercing the thick mist here and there like flood lights. Personally, he had never believed in the Gods or any beings of a 'higher order'. It was all blasphemy as far as he was concerned; after all, where was the visible evidence that these watchful guardians existed? If they truly were up there in the vast, open sky, why hadn't they done anything about the horrors that existed on their planet and the violence that was a part of some poor bastard's life on a day-to-day basis?

Amber leaves, masked by the damp curtain of mist, cracked beneath his silver hooves as he wound through the trees. A thin layer of frost had formed on his feathers and they rustled loudly as he flexed his wings. The forest was so closed in and cramped, like a jail house with a million bars that formed an endless maze. He twisted his head about in the darkness, looking for a way out to the light of day so he could finally breathe in the fresh air again and get away from the musty stench of the woods.

He set his sights on a new direction, stepping off a faintly worn trail onto thick grass that could only be felt and not seen as the tendrils of mist sheltered it from view. He pressed his wings tight against his dark body as he stepped through the shadows, tall ears rising on his head as the muffled sound of footfalls reached him. His pace slowed abruptly to a halt as he turned his head, emerald eyes locking onto the dark, dappled form of a slender stallion who moved through the trees a short distance away.

He looked panicked and frightened, the crooked blaze that wound across the bridge of his nose only serving to emphasize the instability of his character. Murdock watched him quietly for a moment, briefly considering slipping away into the shadows and leaving the stranger to fret over whatever chased him. Tossing such musings aside, he instead stepped forward from the veil of trees to approach the stallion. "What are you doing?" He asked gruffly, his voice disinterested and rough from lack of use. He lacked tact when it came to social interactions, as he had never bothered to acquaint himself with proper conduct or small talk of any sort. He scrutinized the stranger with a slight frown, searching the shadows to ensure they were alone.

"talk talk talk"

Lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly,
Touch the moon up in the sky

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Messages In This Thread
The Place Where The Corpses Dance [Open] - by Shajake - 04-29-2013, 11:43 PM
RE: The Place Where The Corpses Dance [Open] - by Murdock - 05-05-2013, 05:26 PM
RE: The Place Where The Corpses Dance [Open] - by Shajake - 05-08-2013, 10:25 PM

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