the Rift

[OPEN] [Finished] A learned fool is more a fool than an ignorant fool.

Africa the Starry-Eyed Posts: 727
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 :: 6 (Tallsun) Buff: NOVICE
Silas :: Common Zephyr :: Roc Riven
[Image: afri_zps12e4f1bf.png]

It was so hot. The flames were searing, straining sweat from her sleek dappled coat, and embers danced through the air, threatening to ignite wisps of wind-blown mane. The delicate hairs lining Africa’s flaring nostrils seemed to wither, even singe with each hot breath; her lungs choked, rejecting the sour smoke which seemed to completely saturate the faltering supply of fresh oxygen. Each thundering heartbeat panged with regret, pulsing wildly against her sensitive ear drums as blood pumped furiously throughout her panicked body.
"Are you dumb? Look at how close you are to this thing!" He insisted, and while Africa defied the statement, blurting her courageous attempt to rattle his own cage, a feeling of stupidity did flush through her burning face. Africa was purely impulsive, reacting on even the slightest of whims and she was unpredictable as such.

The colt seemed generally undeterred by her last effort bluff and his dismissive voice caused her to recoil the blatant display of mock bravery. "You're confused, move out of the way and follow me." He told her; his facade appeared to be more stable than the current height of her frenzied emotion, especially given the danger bubbling and molten, uncomfortably close by.
A childishly indignant snort burst through her flaccid lips, but she followed the younger horse obediently. He muscled passed her, his hot steaming body brushing her wing for the slightest of moments as he did. Swollen and teary, her eyes struggled and strained to track his movement, so her quivering muzzle reached to touch against his rump as it swayed beneath transiently. A rush of something alien prickled her heart, but she was immature and inexperienced, and the sentiment was misunderstood and quickly discarded. Never before had her somewhat still adolescent soul encountered testosterone so intimately- and willingly.

Even as she moved to follow, the connection between them was lost as the stranger broke into a careful canter- she too stumbled forward in response, though her gait was clumsy as she endeavoured after him blurry eyed. Very quickly the air began to cool, but it remained heavily burdened with plumes of noxious smoke. Africa bumbled along awkwardly, barely noticing the stagger in his stride when he turned his face to find her, had she not been so intently focused on the drumming rhythm of his hooves against the red, dry clay, she might have barrelled on into him. “I’m Africa...” She called ahead, loudly above the throb in her ears. She was still unsure about his intent, paranoid about the manner of his stalking, but increasingly grateful that he had rescued her from the arms of doom.

[ooc: Keeping this pic for the rest of the thread ;)]

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RE: A learned fool is more a fool than an ignorant fool. - by Africa - 05-07-2013, 12:51 AM

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