the Rift

[OPEN] The Place Where The Corpses Dance [Open]

Shajake Posts: N/A
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S h a j a k e
Footfalls that were not his own came from the fog and mist, the sounds around catching in his ears. His heavy head is raised higher from within the mist, having lowered it down to give himself the appearance of a lost head. The thought of it was enough to keep others from bothering his dark soul, yet now something other than his mind was visiting. They hadn't left, as their voices fell around him. Every sentence given to him was ignored, until a voice, a true voice, broke the silence. Birds moved overhead in sudden excitement and startlement, and he catches the rough stratch on the voice like his own. Someone who rarely ever spoke. Exactly what he needed.
A dark thought crosses his mind. Is you that wishes to be bothered? If not, rid yourself of bothersome creatures. This brings a smile to his face as he sees the source of the voice. After a greeting in the Threshold he had came prepared for anything like so. Before him stood a black stallion with white wings. The indifference of the creature near him catches his attention for small moments, before another voice pleads out his name. He shakes his head, growling to voice as his black mane is tossed about. A thought of if the creature near was thinking it was to him passed by, and quickly fled. This creature came upon him, in the middle of dark forest where the fog and mist were thick. Shajake could in every way hide himself away in this place, and not be found until the next year. But that wasn't his idea. It was to be shut out from the rest, and keep any conversation that was forced at low level. So far things didn't seem to be working out.
Rogue rays of sunlight fall down, kissing the fog around him. The piercing uniqueness of his green eyes stay glued to the stallion before he takes a step. On his own path that he was upon before being bothered. His vocal cords moved about in his throat, attempting to stratch up one word to give the other an answer. He found it, somewhere, and in a rough, stratched, and broken voice, attempted to tear out a single word sentence.
It surprised him not to hear a stutter in his voice this time, but its dark and deep tone was still there. When he spoke, it always came out like a demon teasing it's next meal. One reason he never spoke. Second reason for not speaking, nothing ever worth speaking over. Looking over to his company, he raised a curious look to his face. He wasn't about to feed the same question back to the stallion. It was only common that after being asked that question, he'd return it. Yet, he remembered he made himself look like he had been exciled from a herd. Herds were nothing to his mind. Being an outcast, it left him to be exactly himself and permanently alone.
His company wasn't pleasing enough, therefore two strides forward were taken before he found himself in the white beam of light. Its sudden burst forced him to turn his eyes away, thin heat come from it. The air was wet with the fog hanging about, it now rising up to the level where it touched the base of his neck. Disappearing into the fog seemed a good idea right now. Anything to escape the forced words that would have to come from him with this horse. And only because his voice belonged exactly to a demon.

OOC: Sorry for slow and bad reply! The next one will be better.
"Sed interdum rutrum urna, sed pellentesque sapien tempor in." Quisque iaculis dapibus fermentum.
image credits
table by whit

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The Place Where The Corpses Dance [Open] - by Shajake - 04-29-2013, 11:43 PM
RE: The Place Where The Corpses Dance [Open] - by Shajake - 05-08-2013, 10:25 PM

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