the Rift


Casimir Posts: N/A
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A warm breeze dipped itself into the day, moving through the sands, causing mini sand storms to appear out of no where. The white draft watched as this happened, or rather, tried to. He could see little of what was actually happening, even right in front of his rather large face, but it was merely to pass the time. He still liked being out of the Foothills, and gathering information on what was he seemed to be best at, so he just went with it.

Besides, it was nice in the fall, even if the temperature was fluctuating more and more towards that expected of the winter. In the middle of Orangemoon, the air smelled of salts and H2O still, but not as hot as it was during Tallsun, and gave a different smell somehow. The draft arose from the beach grave he had dug in a short time. He had been sitting there all day, staring around him. Sometimes he wondered if he was just being dumb, if he should be more like his brothers, like Archibald in particular, or Evers. They didn't just laze around, sitting there observing nature randomly...well, except for Kipp, but he was still a yearling. Casimir was three years old, and he needed to find out what his niche was.

With a heavy sigh, the white draft strode with purpose across the beach, hanging his head low so that his forelock would close over his sensitive blind eyes. But what he didn't realize was that there was a colt in the same path as his own. He couldn't see him, and although he didn't notice, their paths never touched. Casimir tripped on a large rock that was protruding from the sandy bottom of a shallower part of the beach. It hit his hoof square on, and sent him flying to the right side of the small colt. He landed on a soft patch of sand, and it went flying everywhere. He coughed sand from his mouth and lungs, and proceeded to stand up and shake himself of sand particles.

With a glance towards the side, luckily the left, he could see the small baby, staring at the ocean with keen interest. He was transfixed, and it made him smile. Apparently he wasn't the only one out enjoying the natural beauty of the world today.

"Excuse me young one, I'm afraid I almost tripped on you. What is it you're doing out here all alone, by yourself, or are your parents near by? A small colt such as yourself shouldn't be alone, you might hurt yourself. My name is Casimir, what is yours?"

"Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away... where innocence is burned in flames..."

Picture by Tamme

Messages In This Thread
BITTER DANCER -- - by Amoret - 05-03-2013, 12:23 AM
RE: BITTER DANCER -- - by Casimir - 05-11-2013, 01:01 AM
RE: BITTER DANCER -- - by Mikali - 05-11-2013, 03:19 PM
RE: BITTER DANCER -- - by Casimir - 05-18-2013, 04:44 AM

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