the Rift

In pieces. [open]

Enki Posts: N/A
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"What?" our prince barks, his voice breaking across the snow. His right eyes, unblocked by the growth, rolls toward the massive frame standing directly in his way. The painted stallion before him does not say anything, only nods his head. This is extremely irritating to our prince, the fact that he had stopped in his path without bothering to even utter out a weak hello.

Thrusting out a snort, our Enki gives this stallion a run down with his eye. The impressive frame this dolt had waltzed up in was large, much larger than the stunted little growth of a prince he stood before. Irritated, noting that this stallion was looking down on his dirty body, lavished with mud and sticks and other grime that he had accumulated over several months. Higher stature, bulkier body, straighter legs, but this stallion held himself in what felt like a false sense of regality.

Idiot. Our prince is thinking about none other than the painted fool before him, wearing a king's crown and a child's expression of wonder. It takes no time at all four our beloved to make the connection as to what he's looking at. The only unmarred part of our stubby, grimey little stallion's body - his wings. They are, for all intents and purposes, also the only clean part of his body. The soft brown feathers gleam, with only a few small specks of dirt finding their home on their rippled surfaces.

Our deformed prince tilts his head to the side, a mean expression in his small, twisted face. "What the hell do you want, pony boy?" he asks, choppy little words as he looks toward the much larger stallion in front of him. Still, there was something in the uncertainty with which he held his body that made our Enki suspect that underneath that imposing exterior was a timid little creature hiding. Fascinating, even if he was stupid.

Messages In This Thread
In pieces. [open] - by Enki - 07-13-2012, 10:42 PM
RE: In pieces. [open] - by Gaspard - 08-05-2012, 04:42 PM
RE: In pieces. [open] - by Enki - 08-05-2012, 07:19 PM
RE: In pieces. [open] - by Gaspard - 08-05-2012, 07:34 PM

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