the Rift

A million miles | Sinuhe

Sinuhe Posts: 38
Dragon's Throat Mare
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15.1 :: 3

Future Theory(?) thread

It was quite a pleasant day considering the circumstances of the seasons normal day. It was cold, but not bitterly, there was a wind, but a gentle one, the sky was clouded, but the sun still shone through. The trees swayed slightly to the calm wind, each branch taking a path of it's own and often retracing it again and again and again. There naked bark was coat in a thin layer of icy frost that had formed over the night due to the cold season of the year. At this time of year, no birds sang. A silence rode on the equally silent wind, weaving and wondering though the twisted trees. All the shrubs had died back for the time being but soon they would be ready to spring back into life.

A mind belonging to a genius was always calculating everything; it was natural to these gifted characters although some of them tended to be strange and this stallion was no exception. If a Pegasus could wear glasses, Theory would be wearing them geeky ones with the thick black rim and square lens round his vivid blue eyes. I bet there would also be a pen tucked behind his ear and he would wear a star trek top with custard trousers. However, Theory was a Pegasus and although he knew what these were, he did not wear them because it would be simply ludicrous.

All the stallion knew was the world, and how it worked. He knew everything from photosynthesis to the life of comets. No one knew how he knew these sort of things, he just did. Despite how clever he was though, he was, like I said before, a little bit strange. He was anti-social, undermining, horribly stubborn and childish. He also offends with out realising it, stating that the saddest thing in the world is 'stupid people'. He doesn't quite realise how this can hurt someone and so he refuses to apologize.

And so the stubborn animal awkwardly wonders though the dead forest, his ears alert and forward with his neck held high in an eager way, despite the bored look on his face. It was almost as if they stallion was bored of the world and had grown to clever for it, in his mind anyway. In reality he couldn't survive with the perfect social creatures around him. For a reason unknown to him he gave everyone the wrong impression of himself. I mean, he couldn't help being right all the time, right? And so the young stallion carefully made his way deeper into Helovia, knowing he was traveling west, angling slight of to the south, but only slightly, at a steady walk, in a slightly collected manner.

"blah blah blah."

Messages In This Thread
A million miles | Sinuhe - by Sinuhe - 04-23-2013, 01:42 PM
RE: A million miles | Sinuhe - by Sinuhe - 05-03-2013, 09:17 AM
RE: A million miles | Sinuhe - by Sinuhe - 05-08-2013, 02:11 PM
RE: A million miles | Sinuhe - by Sinuhe - 05-11-2013, 11:13 AM
RE: A million miles | Sinuhe - by Sinuhe - 05-13-2013, 01:25 PM
RE: A million miles | Sinuhe - by Sinuhe - 05-24-2013, 03:49 PM

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