the Rift

[OPEN] Daughter of snow (Fal, Maumau, Open)

Sielu Posts: 47
Mare :: Unicorn :: 16.3 :: 5 years :: Orangemoon

The shadows let patched sunlight linger through the glade. I walked between it, not realizing that my pelt stood out like a sore thumb; not knowing that someone who knew me at a distance was coming to talk to my mother. As mentioned before, my state was one of pure bliss. Thankfully nothing of the concerns in our adult world mattered to the minds of children. My heart skipped and bounded, energy knew little of limits. The fluttering song of wings caught my sensitive attention long before a stranger came into view, a flash of white and that was all I had seen—but it was enough to capture curiosity.

My intrigue of this worlds creatures couldn’t be easily appeased; each beetle and bunny—big or small—with or without fur. It usually caught and held my attention longer than my own kind did. Perhaps it was because they couldn’t speak; I had never heard a butterfly yap as my mother did, or even as other foals did. I could relate to animals who held a silent voice much better than with those that waggled their tongue.

It was because I couldn’t talk that much of my time was spent honing other senses. Hearing and smelling, not everything could be simply be seen. Some things where felt; and I was coming to find that the most important of things where sometimes tidbits of information that couldn’t be seen at all. Such as when the sky opened in the morning, you could already tell that dawn was coming long before our bright blaze filled heaven. I turned to look back at my mother, noticing now that a tall figure had emerged from the treeline and was coming up on her.


Messages In This Thread
Daughter of snow (Fal, Maumau, Open) - by Sielu - 04-25-2013, 11:53 AM
RE: Daughter of snow (Fal, Maumau, Open) - by Sielu - 05-14-2013, 10:14 PM

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